#WorkingOutLoud on the Planetary Philosophy
I’ve been immersed in this work today, and will be till the end of the week. Sae has carved out some time, and has edited a large part of the manuscript, so we are reworking things around that. Even though we are well used to writing together, to collaborate like this requires trust, and a good amount of too and fro.
Sometimes we are just direct with each other, that a section feels wrong, out of place, or occasionally like it has been written for a different book. Right now i feel comfortable, but not too comfortable.
My first draft was the heart of the idea, but it was indulgent, and fragile. Sae has bought more structure and rigour, but at times we have lost the flow, or the sense of – i don’t know quite what to call it – but almost the poetry of it.
In this, it is similar to the Humble Leader book: the writing is poetic, and i want it to remain so, even where we ground the work more formally in a broader context. In this sense, it is not a book of ‘information’, but rather a story, a journey.
I’ll continue to #WorkOutLoud as it takes shape