Working with your spouse...How NOT to kill them!
Victoria Beckham
Licensed Realtor at Realty Advanced *Certified Life Coach* Interior Stylist, Public Notary
My number one question received is, “How do you do it, working with your husband and living together?”
SPACE! I need my space and he deserves space also! When you interact with the same individual day in and day out, its highly possible that friction can and will arise. Being able to remove yourself from the situation and breathe is key. The coming back together and collaborating is truly beautiful and beneficial for your work/business to thrive.
Working with your spouse doesn’t always scream NEGATIVITY. There are several benefits from working with your spouse. I want to share some tips on how to work with your spouse without killing them!
Working with your spouse can be a rewarding experience if done right. Implementing these four tips, can help you to navigate working together harmoniously.