Working within the sex industry, but not as you know it.

Working within the sex industry, but not as you know it.

I wonder how many of you will be attracted to reading this article solely based on the title. I really want the senior management of those companies out there to understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end, after all you probably have children who will eventually go to work or who are at work right now.

As a twenty-year-old I’m a prime target to be sexually harassed, as was the case in my previous employment, repeatedly day in day out for six months. Constantly telling my fellow employee to stop, as the behaviour was unwanted, receiving a laugh in response. So, I took the next step, reporting the incidents to my superior, with the responding comment ‘he was only joking’ (the superior being a female, and she fancied him), so I hit a brick wall, shut down in seconds. I couldn’t afford to leave but had no alternative as the odds were stacked against me, so I did what most people of my age would do, I left, with no job to go to, afraid to mention it to anyone, telling those around me I hated the job.

Mum would say, ‘you really need to sort yourself out’, I bet most of our parents have said the same. I was eighteen at the time and trying to study to gain the qualifications to become a squash coach, a true passion from a young age but needed money to pay for the general things we all need and no job.

Statically 18 to 25 years olds including young men, are more likely to get sexually harassed than most of the population, young and vulnerable with not a clue as how the world works, we know everything, well we think we do! I was too scared or didn’t have enough knowledge to know what to do in a situation which so many youngsters come across.

Back in May last year I came across a website, it struck a nerve, as I continued to read it became obvious, it was about me, and so many other youngsters my age. I wanted to help people of my age, those who suffer in silence and have nowhere to turn…I continued to read and noticed a vacancy within the site ‘PA - minimum five years’ experience required’.

A 20-year-old PA…not a chance especially with no experience. Sod it, what have I to lose, June, July pass, not a word, same routine every day and no money and wondering where now, the phone rings ‘we’d be delighted to see you for an interview’.

327 applications received…. well, that’s why I am writing this now, so many of us suffer these dreadful experiences of being sexually harassed at work, it needs to stop, this unacceptable behaviour of individuals should not be allowed.

The Worker Protection (Amendment of the Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 is there for a reason, so all those who lead by example, must set an example, do you go to work to get sexually harassed? I certainly don’t. There’s a joke and beyond a joke.

By educating the workforce that this behaviour will not be tolerated, goes a long way to stopping this happening to your child, so when I am asked now what I do for a living, I’m happy to reply, ‘I work in the sex industry but not as you know it’.


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