Working with Weather Using Creative Energy; Basic 101 .

Working with Weather Using Creative Energy; Basic 101 .

Working with Weather Using Creative Energy; Basic 101 by Cathy Bilsky

December 7, 2011 at 6:51pm


Are you tired of all this out of balance weather that is reptilian generated? Are you ready to fight back by learning how to work with all the weather elementals using your creative abilities? If the answer is yes then may I offer this for your consideration

Working with Weather Using Creative Energy;   Basic 101 by Cathy Bilsky

Much of our weather is man controlled thru many inventions that came from the inventor Tesla. However, machines are elementals that can be broken down and put in a position of harmlessness. It is said “whoever controls the elemental kingdom will control the world.” I don’t want to control the world. I am setting all these elementals free from being abused which results in very harmful weather patterns. We are releasing these elementals from being misused by their handlers. There is a little dictionary of words at the end.

 Working with weather elementals is easy.

I lived in Michigan where in Feb. the radio stations had contests to see if you can guess how many minutes the sun will come out. Yes I said I had lots of practice doing these simple techniques.

To create sunshine...

All I did was imagine me picking up a big piece of cloud, putting it behind me and seeing the sun shine through the hole. As you see the sun shine through then imagine the clouds breaking up again creating clear blue sky. That's all you do and it works.

If you have a raging angry storm coming your way, imagine a big wedge in front of the storm. As the storm hits the wedge it breaks up and goes around you. Or put one big wedge in front then off to the side smaller wedges so the storm will bust up into even smaller clouds and then see the sun shining through.

Before I do this I always ask for permission from the Creator to do this. Always adding at the end “Not my will but thy will be done" and "thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve".

To Create rain.

I always ask for permission from the Creator to do this before I do the work.

I ask that whatever is the reason that drought is created (whether man made or magic made) is cut from those sources. As the ties are cut I call the violet flame into the area to clean it up and the Angelite energy to heal, reconnecting all back to the creator. I ask that there is a big drop in barometric pressure pulling all clouds into the area. I call to any water elemental in the area to now release moisture into the air. See clouds begin to form, getting darker and heavier as it fills with moisture. Imagine the clouds growing in size getting darker and now see it gently rain until there is enough rain to put the area back in balance. We want GENTLE, LOVING, KIND rain.

Always end not my will but thy will be done.

Calming the fire elemental

We call to Michael the archangel to come forth and cut all ties to whatever /whoever started this fire. We cut all ties that the elementals have taken on and could not hold the energy so they must burn it off thru fire. As we cut the ties we call the violet flame thru this fire and command the fire elemental to now burn off its anger thru the violet flame. We send the energy of the Angelite to heal the fire elemental, now we reconnect the fire elemental to the Creator and command it to now allow it self to become calm and neutralized. We also ask that there is a drop in barometric pressure that will draw rain into this area and see rain clouds forming and it gently raining. We call to the water elemental in this area (streams, Lakes, ponds) to now release moisture into the air so rain clouds may form. We call to the higher selves of all that are trying to calm the fire down and ask that they are Divinely guided what to do and where to put the water so the fire calms down. We see the water elemental guiding them and the fire fighters have perfect accuracy.

We also call to the wind elemental to now become calm.....

As the fire elemental reconnects to the creator it now allows itself to become calm and neutral.

Never the less not our will but thy will be done.


Helping the earth calm down and become centered.

Let's send the violet flame through all grids , ley lines, all meridians, the earth plates, volcano's and any area where there is a lot of fracking. As the violet flame blazes through these areas it transmutes and gently releases all stuck energy.

We ask the mother earth if she has to move and groove to move in gentle ratchets keeping it to a 5 and under as well as a time where their will be little damage and loss of life.

We are going to do more advanced work now.

I have written 2 power prayers to break down the H.A.A.R.P. elementals. Use whichever works the best for you. The first is about how to do this work in a group and the second prayer is shorter and one you can say quickly.

Action Prayer to cut elementals free from HA.A.R.P.

 I form a circle and in the middle of the circle I will put a crystal to amplify the groups energy work. What ever size you have will work fine. And the bigger the crystal the more amplification you will have. You can also put a picture of my big 1,000 pound earth keeper in the center and she will amplify your work

 However you normally open up a group meditation circle will work. I like to call to all the ancestors, angels, elemental kingdom and Divine deity’s, Gods and Goddesses to also Jesus and the rest of the Gang (Buddha, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary ect.) He hangs out with. I also will close the opening circle so only that which is light may enter. Then I do a short meditation on Love so it fills us up completely so everyone can raise their energy as high as they can.

 I bring down God's divine healing energy thru the top of my head (crown Chakra) let flow thru my body down my arms and out my hands and I imagine I am forming a bubble of white light in the center of the circle above the crystal.

Whoever is speaking will speak while the others are pouring this energy into the bubble amplifying their words. Whoever will speak should use the power of the spoken word (which is the bases of creation) and the more feeling and intent and force you put behind your words the quicker they will manifest.

 In this bubble I place this action prayer.

 I call to Michael the Archangel to come forward with your sword of blue flame to cut ties to all H.A.A. R.P. programs on the planet, where ever they are located, and cut all ties to every piece of equipment of the H.A.A.R.P program from whomever or whatever created you. No matter what material you are made off, rock, mineral, plant, animal or extraterrestrial based anything.

 As the ties are cut I call the violet flame through all the elementals in the harp programs to cleanse and purify their energies of all negative vibrations they have taken on. See the violet flame transmuting and re-purifying this energy back to light. We fill them up with the energy of the Angelite to heal them. We now reconnect these elementals to the Creator seeing them fill up again with God's pure Divine love.

 Now we command them to be neutral, to not work, to break down and to keep breaking down.

 We ask the Angels to go forth and direct some of this energy to all the week spots in the H.A.A.R.P. machinery and have permission to bend metal or move any loose wire that helps break the machines down. Doing so in a way where no one or anything will be neither hurt nor harmed. We ask that all computers connected to the H.A.A.R.P program start breaking down and all the information on them goes invisible as well with all the backup systems.

We call to all the rats , mice, bats, fleas, snakes, birds, mold to infest all this equipment and help us break it down so it no longer works.

 Surround all the electrical equipment with such high energy that anyone who goes around them can't function and goes dyslexic (just around the equipment.). Putting in wrong information and /or just being very forgetful. Unconsciously making mistakes in the H.A.A.R.P. program with every action. We also call to the Higher Selves of all people working on the H.A.A.R.P. in anyway and ask that they now also become confused, forgetful, and dysfunctional as soon as they enter the gates.

Imagine everyone starting to think all the H.A.A.R.P locations are haunted, finding reasons to transfer out of the program to programs that are beneficial to humanity or go into the private sector. Being replaced with a light worker or no one at all.

 We again call to Michael the Arch angel to take his sword of blue flame and cut the ties to all cars, trucks, company buses, helicopters or planes to get to work. We call the violet flame thru them to clean their energies up, the Angelite energy to heal them and reconnect them to God. Now COMMAND all the vehicles to be neutral and keep breaking down till their owners decide to get another job that is not harmful to any life forms.

 Let's ask it be done for all the H.A.A.R.P. locations all over the world.

I call to Michael the Archangel, Ganesha the remover of obstacles, all the cosmic beings and the Creator to cut all ties to all artificial plasma in the atmosphere that was H.A.A.RP/reptilian created, that creates a mirror. As we cut the ties to their masters, we cal the violet flame thru all the cells, atoms, molecules, DNA of this plasma to clean it up, now we reconnect it all to the Creator filling it all up with Divine Love. We command it to be neutral and no longer function. See the plasma breaking up and neutralizing itself. Let it not be able to form any square or ring frequency patterns.

We place a mirror in front of this mirror to return all signals and frequencies back to the H.A.A.R.P stations. As this is done we see all the H.A.A.R.P equipment imploding on itself. All computers connected with the H.A.A.R.P overloading with this energy that was sent back causing many overloads.

We also cut the ties to military buoys connected to the H.A.A.R.P stations and their dark masters.

We command that all these buoys be contained in a circle of cement with a lead overlay to jam all frequencies, placing all these buoys in a position of harmlessness.

We command the goddess of truth to bring all knowledge up to the people that can put these H.A.A.R.P facilities in a position of harmlessness.

As these H.A.A.R.P. facilities break down we see everyone reconnect to the creator becoming awakened spiritual Divine happy beings.

Never the less Not our will but thy will be done....amen

 Take a deep breath and release it to God & the angels to take and put into use.

 The more anyone says this action prayer and says it out loud the quicker things will happen. Group energy really is the best for now your energies are amplified x 10,000 each person in the circle. The crystal will amplify it even more.

 It is great if you all will make this part of your daily prayers then when you meet as a group says it and everyone that is there really give it a lot of energy.

 Then start paying attention to the news about the H.A.A.R.P. God will find a way to let you know you are being effective.

Here is a list of where the HAARPS are located.

List of HAARP stations in the U.S. and around the globe - taken from researcher Dutch Sinse's website (

1- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programn (HAARP) Gakona Alaska +62° 23′ 30.00″, -145° 8′ 48.00″

2- High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) Fairbanks Alaska 64° 52′ 19″ N 146° 50′ 33″ W

3- Poker Flat Research Range Near Chatanika, Alaska +65° 7′ 23.90″, -147° 28′ 7.05″

4- Platteville Atmospheric Observatory Platteville, Colorado +40° 10′ 54″, -104° 43′ 30″

5- Millstone Hill Radio Observatory Westford, Massachusetts +42° 37′ 09.25″, -71° 29′ 28.49″

6- The Arecibo Observatory radio telescope Arecibo Puerto Rico. 18°20’38.97″N 66°45’9.77″W

7- Jicamarca Radio Observatory Lima, Peru 11° 57′ 08.25″ S 76° 52′ 30.67″ W

8- S?o Luiz Space Observatory Cruzeiro Santa Bárbara, Sao Luis-MA, Brasil -2° 35′ 40.47″, -44° 12′ 35.90″

9- Nerc MST Radar Facility Capel Dewi, Carmarthenshire, Wales, United Kingdom +52° 25′ 28.26″, -4° 00′ 19.59″

10- European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association EISCAT Ramfjordmoen, Near Troms?, Norway +69° 35′ 10.94″, +19° 13′ 20.89″

11- Sura Facility Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia +56° 7′ 9.70″, +46° 2′ 3.66″

12- The Russian Woodpecker Duga Radar Array, Chenobyl, Ukraine 51°18’20.17″N, 30°04’02.60″E

13- National MST Radar Facility NMRF Gadanki, India +13° 27′ 26.68″, +79° 10′ 30.74″

14- China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP) Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Region 40°24’15.91″N, 93°38’09.74″E

15- Sheshan, Shanghai, China 31°5’41.98?N, 121°11’29.72?E

16- Mu Radar in Japan 34°51’14.80″N 136° 6’19.45″E

17- Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Laverton, West Australia -28° 19′ 36.29″, +122° 0′ 18.84″

18- Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Longreach, Queensland, Australia -23° 39′ 29.53″, +144° 8′ 49.58″

19- Australia Naval Communications Station Harold E Holt (NCS HEH) Exmouth, Western Australia. ?21° 48′ 59.47″s, 114° 09′ 55.60″

20- Zhong Shan Antarctic Polar Station (China) 69o 22′ 43.69″ S 76o 23′ 15.07″ E

Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility

HAARP, Gakona, Alaska, USA 62.390000, -145.150000

Other HAARP facilities in USA:

HAARP AREA 51( Can’t find that one) possible picture:

HAARP, Long Island, USA ( dish & antennas) 40.878455, -72.687485

HIPAS (ionospheric heater) Fairbanks, Alaska, USA 64.872425, -146.842625

Platteville, Colorado, USA (The first american HAARP) 40.181667, -104.725000

Westford, Massachusetts, USA (EISCAT-like) 42.619236, -71.491247


Arecebo, PORTO-RICO 18.344167, -66.752778

BRAZIL (blurred) -2° 35′ 40.47″, -44° 12′ 35.90″

Capel Dewi,UNITED KINGDOM 52.424517, -4.005442

INDIA 13.457411, 79.175206

HAARP grid Canadian forces base Leitrim,

CHINA 40.404062, 93.633678

Lima, PERU (bigger than Alaska) -11° 57′ 6.67″, -76° 52′ 25.71″

Chernobyl, UKRAINE (monster) 51.305603, 30.067389

?stra Sallerup, SWEDEN 55.814601, 13.728526

T?htel?ntie, FINLAND 67.363842, 26.630384

EISCAT, Tromso, NORWAY 69.582697, 19.213958

Saskatoon, CANADA (strange grid) 52.16°N 106.53°W

Exmouth, AUSTRALIA -21.908677,114.131806

Vasil’sursk, RUSSIA 56.114993, 46.027851 pictures at:

UTR-2 URAN (VLBI) Latitude 49°38’14.20″ N, longitude 36°56’11.08″

URAN 1 49°40’29.53″ N, longitude 36°17’31.29″

URAN 2 49°37’51.17″ N, longitude 34°49’29.80″

URAN 3 49°38’14.20″ N, longitude 23°49’37.02″

URAN 4 49°38’14.20″ N, longitude 30°16’21.96″

EISCAT 69°35’04.24″ N, longitude 19°12’58.53″

ALWIN WIBKE 69°17’55.10″ N, longitude 16°02’32.32″

Alomar 69°16’41.92″ N, longitude 16°00’29.66″

IAP Germany 54°07’03.59″ N, longitude 11°46’13.16″

TIRA 50°37’00.59″ N, longitude 07°07’45.30″ W

NMRF Wales, UK 52°25’28.26″ N, longitude 04°00’19.62″ W

Jicamarca 11°57’03.10″ S, longitude 76°52’29.04″ W

SAO Luiz 02°35’38.34″ S, longitude 44°12’36.86″ W

JORN 28°19’36.29″ S, longitude 122°00’18.85″ W

JORN 2 23°39’29.53″ S, longitude 144°08’49.58″ W

JORN 3 22°58’03.22″ S, longitude 134°26’52.57″

Naval Communication Station 1 - 21°48’59.80″ S, longitude 114°10’03.01″

Naval Communication Station 2 -21°54’33.47″ S, longitude 114°07’56.72″

National MST Radar Facility 13°27’25.84″ , longitude 79°10’31.19″

CRIRP 40°24’15.91″ N, longitude 93°38’09.74″

Chung-Li VHF Radar 24°58’03.86″ N, longitude 121°11’11.71″

MU Radar 34°51’13.86″ N, longitude 136°06’20.90″

 List Found here

How to calm hurricanes and cyclones.

The H.A.A.R.P stations are responsible for a lot of very harsh weather.

Let there be light! I call to Michael the archangel and command you take your sword of blue flame and cut free the hurricane/cyclone energy that is man made or created with any Tesla (H.A..A.R.P) information. As these elementals are cut free from their masters I send the violet flame through the wind/rain, cloud energy to clean them up commanding them to let their out of balance energy burn out thru the flame turning into a harmless gentle rain.. the Angelite energy to heal them , I now reconnect them to the Divine and now COMMAND them to be neutral. I ask Michael to take his sword and chop up these storm fronts and see them dissipating in love allowing a very gentle rain to come on land.

Blocking and breaking down the H.A.A.R.P. (short prayer) by Cathy Bilsky

I call to Michael the Archangel, Ganesha the remover of obstacles, all the cosmic beings and the Creator to cut al ties to all artificial plasma in the atmosphere that was H.A.A.RP/reptilian created, that creates a mirror. As we cut the ties to their masters, we cal the violet flame thru all the cells, atoms, molecules, DNA of this plasma to clean it up, now we reconnect it all to the Creator filling it all up with Divine Love. We command it to be neutral and no longer function. See the plasma breaking up and neutralizing itself. Let it not be able to form any square or ring frequency patterns.

We place a mirror in front of this mirror to return all signals and frequencies back to the H.A.A.R.P stations. As this is done we see all the H.A.A.R.P equipment imploding on itself. All computers connected with the H.A.A.R.P overloading with this energy that was sent back causing many overloads.

We also cut the ties to military buoys connected to the H.A.A.R.P stations and their dark masters.

We command that all these buoys be contained in a circle of cement with a lead overlay to jam all frequencies, placing all these buoys in a position of harmlessness.

We command the goddess of truth to bring all knowledge up to the people that can put these H.A.A.R.P facilities in a position of harmlessness.

As these H.A.A.R.P. facilities break down we see everyone reconnect to the creator becoming awakened spiritual Divine happy beings.

Molecules that eat acid rain. Let’s create molecules that eat radiation too.

 I am asking the Creator to tweak some of these new molecules so they now eat all radiation, turning it into something beneficial for us and the planet


 That's the new prayer...short and to the point.

 Amplify the molecule that eats acid rain AND ask the Creator to change some of these molecules so they also eat radiation turning this into something beneficial for all life forms. SO BE IT!


Since we are living in high radiation from Japan I am adding this prayer .

Prayer to keep our DNA healthy

Keeping the DNA Healthy.   By Cathy Bilsky and Anon.

We call to the higher selves of everyone on planet earth, all life forms and ask for permission to do this light work for you.

I call to everyone’s Higher Selves and ask that the Higher Self now allow all strands of everyone’s DNA to reconnect and realigned with the Divine with such a high healing energy that will keep anything from affecting the DNA and mutating it for any reason... See all strands of everyone’s DNA reconnect to the Creator allowing the DNA to keep its proper Divine shape, healthy and functioning. See all dark veils that are around our strands being cleansed by the violet flame and everyone reawakening to their Divinity and spiritual connection to the Divine.

As our DNA strands are being healed, we become healthier and all our spiritual psychic abilities are opened and are enhanced with everyone integrating their abilities in a gentle kind way. Everyone is excited at their new found gifts using them joyfully in service for the planet and all living on her. People also using their new gifts to heal themselves, the elementals, taking Divine creation to new heights.

See anyone and everyone in Japan (and anywhere else on the planet) who is now being affected by any kind of un-natural excessive radiation being sent an extra veil of light to protect their bodies. See their DNA reconnecting to the Creator and sent mass does of healing energy that will help correct any possible DNA altering. Let this be a gentle, kind experience.

As everyone awakens they realize that they can create heaven on earth, being given answers for all challenges on the planet. From neutralizing radiation on the planet, for God does not give us a challenge without giving us the answers to solve it. To healing the waters, air, ozone..You name it Divine creation working thru us will heal it.

As our DNA is reconnected to the Divine it also cuts all ties to anyone who has tried to genetically alter all life forms in any way. Including all genetically modified food. See all our food supply whose DNA has been altered in anyway also reconnecting back to the Divine and being filled with such a high healing Divine energy that all life forms are allowed to go back to their God created shape and function.

We ask that all other life forms, including all sea life reconnecting, their DNA to the creator and as all life forms reconnect see them become healthier. We also see all other life forms being filled with an extra light energy to help protect them whether they are on land or sea.

I command that the angels go forth to anywhere there is any Tesla/Vril machine that is being used to alter humanity in anyway be cut from their masters, filled with the violet flame to clean it up, Angelite energy to heal it. Now we command those machines to break down, miss-function, stop working. And to keep breaking down. I call to the Higher self of anyone running the machines and ask that they become dyslexic around them. See all programs that have our genetic codes being scrambled /and or go invisible as we put lots of magnets on all the hard drives connected to these machines. See all these machines breaking down NOW!


A group of black Tibetan magicians showed Hitler how to misuse the Vril energy and the sacred symbols. As well as a bunch of rich industrialists who were satanic practitioners. Satanic...what does that mean??

These are people who call in demons thru the use of ritual black magic chanting, sacred symbols and human - animal sacrifices and blood drinking.

Let's put our attention on what they call in....demons....this is no joke

Thru ritual they have learned how to make rents and tears between inter dimensions allowing these demons to come onto the earth and yes we even have human demon possession. Some also call them the Reptilian factor. George Bush is such a good example.. This is one man who operates from his Reptilian brain only. Demons/reptilians feed off of fear energy.

VRIL energy: Energy that can be used to control the physical world, including minds and bodies of others. As well as to enhance the telepathic and telekinetic potentials of the mind. (you see many mind altering modalities being directed at us daily thru microwave towers. ELF, HAARP, Montauk Program, psychotronics, chemical trails, fluoridated water and genetics.)

HAARP: Alaskan project created by ARCO, scientists and Navy. (The mirror Force) The military can lift part of the upper atmosphere making it move and do things like:

* Distorting the ionosphere to disrupt global communication

* Beams of electromagnetic power can lift portions of the upper atmosphere and redirect the jet stream to alter global weather patterns.

* Hard-kill weapon

* Soft-Kill..... by directing enormous amounts of radio frequency energy at a specific area HAARP could overload electrical power distribution of the grids.

* Scramble missile guidance

* Upset our brain chemistry

* Weather modification: Heating the upper atmosphere over specific areas can change weather patterns. Creating torrential floods, Hurricanes, earth quakes, etc.

* Communication--satellite jamming, satellite communication with subs and detection of stealth aircraft.  

ELF: Navy program using extremely low frequency's to communicate with submerged subs. subliminal broadcasting. Works with HAARP and helicopter- mounted high tech psychotronic equipment. This technology has been used to clone our emotions, returning them to us the public to effect and manipulate.

Montauk: Secret experiments done on Long Island including:

*mind control

*weather control

*time manipulation....tearing holes in the fabric of space-time that separates dimensions.

*Nazi and Alistair Crowley (satanic magician) created.

Tesla:  10-7-1865 to Jan. 1943. World -renowned Serb-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer.

Regarded as the most important inventor in history. Inventor of the radio. inventions have contributed to robotics, ballistics,

computer science, nuclear physics and theoretical physics. Created the Directed -energy weapons.(this allows mad and crazy governments to create earthquakes and tidal waves...The super weapon. Inventions also used at Montauk to change space and time.

Tesla coil-a category of disruptive discharge coils. Thought photography machine. After his death the FBI considered his papers to be Top Secret.

Now if you can make it thru all of the above we need to address this next issue which is the Reptilian Part of our brain. 

We as a human race need to awaken to the fact that people have a reptilian heritage of the human body and it's influence on our behavior. Scientist say that a R-Complex represents a core of the nervous system and originates from a "mammal-like reptile" that was once found all over the world in the Triassic period (205-240 million years ago) Evolutionary link between dinosaurs and the mammals. ALL mammals have this reptilian part of the brain...and that includes us folks.

At least 5 human behaviors originate in the reptilian brain..In human activities they find expression in:

Obsessive-compulsive behavior, * Personal day to day rituals and superstitious acts, * slavish conformance to old ways of doing things,* Ceremonial re-enactment, * All matters of deception, * and other traits of the R-Complex....Territoriality (this is mine, get out.) Aggression,* the idea that might is right, winner takes all mentality, * racism, * aggressive, violent sex, * cold blooded.

It is thru the Reptilian part of the brain that Humanity is most controlled and directed.

 Violet Flame....comes from with our hearts and is a very high vibration to use. (Violet color) When you call it forth it erases cause effect memory of Karma. It also transmutes dark energy to light helping people, places, elementals to raise their energy and vibration.

I also use it when I am removing evil spirits from the planet. To help clean up their energies before I send them back to God.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

In service.


So what I gave you is one way to counter their magic and help the earth evolve.


Cathy Bilsky

45-3577 Mamane St.

Honokaa, Hawaii 96727

Mail: PO BOx 449  Paauilo, Hi 96776



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