Working Virtually - Part 2
Sudheen Kamath
Lifelong Learning Ambassador working on transforming the workforce through well crafted learning initiatives
I have been used watching various genres of movies panning languages and while I spent a majority of my childhood in Kerala, my penchant has always been to watching Hollywood movies. These movies started stretching imagination so much that almost all those things that you may or may not perceive have been shown on screen - right from Aliens to extreme cowboy action. From traversing across space to reaching the core. There have been a lot of thoughts around the ways in which humanity may be exposing itself to extreme threats with biological warfare and this includes various living organism exposed to mutation or viruses being lab grown. There has been in recent times a very lesser known movie that has been doing the rounds with eerie similarities to the situation we are exposed to as on date.
Having said this, I thought of penning down a few thoughts around how the work situation has changed over the past couple of weeks. As I started my career in dusty offices in Kerala, practicing across courts I can clearly remember going to my office and spending hours there. Reading through precedents, bare acts and referring to files while preparing to attend court. When anyone were to ask, where do you work - the next automatic question was the official address. You didn't have to think much to ramble off your official address. You may have spent a lot of time preparing, reading up cases at home too however the fact was that an official address was a must.
Over the last 20 odd years of working, I have chosen to work as little as possible from home while I certainly had the opportunity to. I have always felt less productive when I would work from home. So, how has the world changed over the past couple of weeks...I have taken over one bedroom in my flat and taken over a part of the space that my kids would have played on and called it my own. I certainly miss all the action at work. Bumping into people and the quick chats that just do not seem to happen today. Chat meetings and Webex calls have taken over. I have it all thought off and make a note of all the things to do and then it is just like bricks in a wall, falling one after the other. No casual discussions at work, no real distractions other than the occasional power failures, kids asking me to play with them. I connect with my team trusting them to carry on tasks distributed to them. I really however miss the office a lot and the official address too.
Overall, my work is still something that is still going on and my working virtually has still told me one very clear thing in between all changes...the World has and must go on!!!