My name is Larry Williams and I am the HUB Community Liaison for Travis County Purchasing. I have some information to help you do business with Travis County.
- Your are welcome to schedule an introductory 30-minute one-on-one or team meeting with the Community Liaison to present your company – Click Here
- Register with Bid Sync/Periscope. Registering your company is free when you do business with Travis County. You can register and choose all the services that apply to you to make sure you get notifications for future solicitations.? Here is a link to the PDF, How to Do Business with Travis County, How to Do Business with Travis County (
- We offer a free HUB Calendar of Events on the bottom right of our website. Please download to stay involved in Travis County, Austin ISD, Minority, Women, and Disabled Veteran Specific holidays, as well as Travis County Purchasing Office Sponsored and Supported Community Events.
- Are you HUB Certified? If not, you may qualify as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) or as Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE). Travis County does not certify vendors but recognizes the certification from the following agencies: Ctrl & Click your mouse to follow the links. State of Texas- The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program is a component of the Statewide Procurement Division of the Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). Texas Government Code, Section 2161 establishes the HUB Program and authorizes the CPA to administer the Statewide HUB Program. City of Austin- The City of Austin's Small and Minority Business Resources Department certifies qualified firms as Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), and Small Business Enterprises (SBE). Texas Unified Certification Program- The Texas Unified Certification Program is a certification program for the Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Programs in Texas. A business' DBE certification received from any of the TUCP members is valid and can be relied upon by any Texas entity that receives U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) funds. South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency – The South-Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation that represents several public entities in the South Texas area. These entities are committed to enhancing participation for Disadvantaged, Small, Minority, and Woman-owned businesses in public/government contracting and purchasing activities. Once you do receive your certification please always remember to renew before your expiration date. To be considered a HUB for Travis County, a vendor does not need to have all certifications listed. Please remember the specific certifying agency maintains these links. If you have any questions about the status or updates for specific vendor profiles, you should be directed to the respective certifying agency.
- The established Pre-Qualified List (PQL) of firms is initially selected through an RFQ solicitation that is re-solicited every 4 years or in the best interest of the County. Please use the links below for more information on the PQL and how to respond.
- We also sponsor a Readiness Training Program you may be interested in the future. Please visit UT-Austin Training Program for HUBs – Smallbiz ( for information on this program. IC2/UT Austin is conducting them.
If you would like additional information regarding the Purchasing Office and our HUB program please go to our website You can find our most current solicitations, how-to videos, and general information that may interest you. ?Please download the HUB Resource guide it is free.?
Thank you again for your interest in working with Travis County. If you have any general questions regarding our program, please send an email to [email protected] or call our main number at 512 854 9700 and ask for someone in our HUB office.