Working Together

Working Together

I believe that we can overcome any challenge by working together. Even in the most difficult circumstances there is always hope, and there is something we can do to help each other.

The pressure on our Global Healthcare Infrastructure has been tremendous over the past year. There are many things that all of us can do to help. As a non-Healthcare skilled person, one thing that I have tried to do regularly is to donate my blood. Regularly donating blood ensures there is ready supply available for the needy. It is not commonly known that many healthy adults can donate blood as frequently as every 12-14 weeks.

According to Singapore Red Cross website :

“The need for blood persists during normal times as well as in a pandemic. One unit of blood can save three lives!

As blood has a short shelf life (6 weeks for red cells and 5 days for platelets), it is encouraged for donors to donate at regular intervals to help ensure a constant supply of safe blood.

With an ageing population, more advanced life-saving medical procedures, and new hospitals being established, more blood will be needed every year.”

The link below offers more details on why one should consider donating blood.

Besides donating blood, there are many other ways to help even for the blood donation drives.

While we work together to respond, recover and build back better, we should embrace the value of working together, and helping each other in whatever way we can.

#Grateful #PowerOfUs #Giving #Volunteer #Impact #BuildBackBetter


