Working together to make Park View a great estate

Working together to make Park View a great estate

On Thursday 5 December, teams from Trivallis and RCT Council joined forces to help brighten up Park View and make a real difference for the local community.

Although the weather wasn’t on our side, with a storm forecast for the following day, the teams came together to make some great improvements to the area.

Overgrown trees were trimmed back, pathways cleared, fallen leaves removed, and litter picked up – transforming Park View into a brighter, more welcoming space tenants could be proud of.

The day wasn’t just about tidying up, it was about listening and working together. Team members from Repairs and Assets were there, with some knocking on doors, chatting with tenants about unreported repairs and home improvements.

Meanwhile, Neighbourhood Manager Rebecca and Community Development Partner Lisa were busy listening to what matters most to residents in Park View and the Springfield Sheltered Scheme.

In the spirit of community, the sheltered scheme opened their communal area to offer a warm, welcoming space for everyone to hide from the rain.

Whilst everyone had a warm drink, conversations were had and ideas exchanged about ongoing collective community action.

Thanks to the great teamwork of everyone involved, the day was a success. Not just brightening up the area but bringing everyone together to make the estate great.

Don’t forget, your Neighbourhood Manager, Rebecca Lee, is often in your area and holds a drop-in session on Wednesday, 10am-12pm at Valleys Kids, Pen Dinas.



