Working with Service Partners to Support the Community
Giving back to the community is really important here at getGFTD, which is why we partner with non-profit organizations to help fund their efforts.?
For example, on our website under the “charities” tab, specifically “education”, there are several schools that you can donate to. Each organization creates a wishlist, which allows them to ask for specific items that they need. Then, givers can view the wishlist and select a specific item to delegate their money towards, and know that they are making a tangible difference in someone’s life.
Reaching out to charities is critical to help them understand our services. We understand the fear that bureaucracy will interfere with donations and efforts to support the community. When a giver sends a gift, it is sent directly to the charity’s head office (or whichever office the charity has designated). The gifts are donations specifically labeled by which item or service the giver wants to fund. This avoids the challenge that some organizations have where people donate large sums of money but the infrastructure is not set up to be able to most effectively divide and use it.
Some organizations and large corporations earn money off of people's kindness by charging extra fees or taking a percentage of each donation. We at getGFTD do not engage in this kind of behavior, and only charge a standard transactional fee to the organnization, because we genuinely care about helping the community and serving people’s individual needs.
Services are another key aspect of GetGFTD’s charity work. With charity partners, givers can donate a service such as a haircut or a doctor’s appointment to someone in need. This individual need would often not be able to be met by a charity because it is not the charity’s main focus and therefore, not built into their system.
Recently, we talked with a potential service partner and heard how a client of theirs needed emergency dental work, but the service partner didn’t have an allotted budget for it and was unable to provide the service. Fortunately, some kind individuals offered to cover it, but the organization will still be unable to help future clients with this. By working with getGFTD, we can fill in these gaps and make sure people are getting the care they deserve.?
Charity gifting is not only about supporting economic needs, but finding a way to tell the receiver: “You matter to me.”