Working at Postkodlotteriet – what people don’t know
I have been fortunate to work for Novamedia with Postkodlotteriet (Sweden) for several years and it gets better for each year that passes - just like a good wine. I wanted to write some words from the inside since a lot of people ask me how it is to work here. If you ever consider joining us here is my top 10 list why this is a great place to work at.
1. You work for a higher purpose. The more tickets the lottery sells the more money goes to charity. This makes your efforts feel more justified - compared to working for a private owner. Simon Sinek talks about the Why. Why does your company exist? At Postkodlotteriet you know your Why.
2. Lottery, charity and TV makes this lottery unique which is so much fun. All these components are executed extremely well so you will get a unique insight of different businesses. Hard to explain but if you get a chance to experience it from the inside you know what I mean.
3. Great people. You will meet some truly great people. Your colleagues are so important to make you feel good at work and here we truly have some of the best.
4. Grow in your role. You will have good opportunities to grow in your role. You will never feel stuck and your competence will increase as much as you can handle.
There is alway something going on
5. There is always something happening. You will never be bored, things are moving fast. Every year has new challenges and they can arrive out of nowhere. I think this is one of the best traits of this organisation.
6. Meet people you would otherwise never meet. I have met lot famous people politicians, actors, general managers and many others.
7. Resources are available. Depending on what department you work you will notice that you can do a lot of stuff. This is both due to internal resources like your colleagues and also monetary resources.
8. International networking. There is a lot of networking between the countries. Yes we have lotteries in Holland, UK, Germany and soon to be started in Norway. The international aspect puts another flavor on your work.
Like a family they take care of you
9. They take care of the people working here. We have first class office service. We have great events since we have our own event service in-house. How many companies have that?
10. It is fun. Hard to explain what fun is but it is.
There are of course many more aspects and different people will probably give you different angles but in sum I think a lot of people will agree that it is a great place to work at.