Working with other businesses from a H&S perspective
In the course of running your business, your employee’s may go into a situation where employees of another business are also working. There are some important responsibilities that you and your employees have (as well as the other businesses onsite or in the workplace.)
Here’s some headings supplied recently by WorkSafe
· Your duties under the H&S Act
· Managing your over lapping duties. (This is where two or more businesses are on site. Who is responsible for what?)
· Scoping work (basically thinking through the process from a HS point of view. What are the risks, what are the skills and expertise of those involved etc)
· Pre qualifying the contractor (if you are using the services of a contractor its asking them to show they operate safely. How do they do that.
· Contractor selection
· Awarding the contract
· Monitoring (making sure HS is a happening as work commences and progresses)
· Reviewing afterwards
You may not use all these steps every time. (depending on the specific situation and complexity of the work). (The information in italics, are my comments).
To get the detail needed, please go to google and search "worksafe pcbus working together" and click on the WorkSafe PDF file (its well written and won’t take long to read).