Working with offshore teams p.1
Are you working with offshore vendors/teams that do not perform, and you don't even know what the heck they are doing over there? Probably sitting on their butts all day smoking cigars, and that is in the best case? Demonic laughter should be inserted here, but seriously though.
I've been on both sides for a long time, and very often, setting up collaboration and communication channels is a challenge. Cultural differences, time differences, and physical distance do not help either. But before you kick out your current vendor and start it all over with another one, take a hard look at your own processes. Likely you are doing it wrong, and it is adding up to these problems. There are some questions to ask yourself before engaging with any vendor:
Some of these problems can be mitigated to a point by having part of the remote team locally; oftentimes, just having a dedicated team lead locally is enough.
Best results are achieved IMHO when both sides realize that extra communication efforts will be needed. Usually, companies that already have great remote work ethics and transparent communication channels can integrate with the least effort.