Working is not normal
Since I was 22 years old, I hated working. It is now over a decade later and I STILL HATE IT.?
I mean I have always worked at least two jobs because I had to, but I have always hated working. Call me lazy, I don't care. Working is not normal anyway. So many other things we could and should be doing...In the next few blog posts I will explain myself in depth. These are the five reasons I believe working is not normal.?
Reason #1 It costs money.?
If it was normal, it would be free. It costs money to work. You have to buy "work clothes". You have to have transportation. Cars range between $5,000 and $40,000 or more. Then you have to pay for car insurance and gas. That's another $2,000/year or more. And don't forget you have to pack your lunch everyday or go find some lunch. You only get maybe 30 minutes to an hour for your lunch break so you better figure it out fast. Some people may argue that working also makes you money. That is true, however, the amount of money you make while working does more damage than good. Yes, it puts food on the table and a roof over your head, but it also gives you an income that makes you a target for tax collectors and salesmen. Many people end up qualifying for loans due to their incomes. They use the loans to buy cars and houses. Then they work in order to pay back the loans. They work anywhere from 20 to 40 years to pay the money back.?
They call these situations; "bills". Bills come to remind you that you are a debtor. You have to work. Working is not normal, but you have to do it because you are on a rat wheel. You will catch up when you die.?
Reason #2 It takes up most of your time.
If it was a normal natural part of life it would not keep you from the sun. Like, literally, we are in buildings, not getting sunlight for 8 to 10 hours each day. We get about 2 minutes of sunlight when we walk from our house to our cars, but that's it. By the time we get home, it is dark. In Texas, where I am, it gets dark around 5:30 pm. Did you know lack of vitamin D and sun exposure can cause depression? Yes, it is true. Look it up. That would explain a lot. This unnatural life that we have accepted as normal is causing us to be unhealthy and very moody. Monday, I get up, brush my teeth, make some coffee, put my clothes on, grab my workbag, my lunch, my coffee and my kid and keys and go out the door, jump in my car then vroom! vroom! off to school and work. Tuesday, I get up, brush my teeth, make some coffee, put my clothes on, grab my workbag, my lunch, my coffee and my kid and keys and go out the door, jump in my car then vroom! vroom! off to school and work. Wednesday, I get up, brush my teeth, make some coffee, put my clothes on, grab my workbag, my lunch, my coffee and my kid and keys and go out the door, jump in my car then vroom! vroom! off to school and work. Thursday, I get up, brush my teeth, make some coffee, put my clothes on, grab my workbag, my lunch, my coffee and my kid and keys and go out the door, jump in my car then vroom! vroom! off to school and work. Then Friday, I get up, brush my teeth, make some coffee, put my clothes on, grab my workbag, my lunch, my coffee and my kid and keys and go out the door, jump in my car then vroom! vroom! off to school and work.?
I do the same exact thing every single freakin day!! Weird! But people have been doing the exact same with me for hundreds of years. We do the same thing every day as if we are going to live forever. That's wreckless. There is traffic. Everyone is driving the same direction at 8am. Then again, at 5pm five days a week. That is crazy! That is not normal! We are robots trapped in a matrix or something. It is awful.?
Reason #3 It is too stressful.?
If working was normal, it would not be so uncomfortable. The healthcare industry is making billions of dollars off the backs of us trying to fit our human existence into inhumane abnormal processes. It is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We are on uppers and downers. Taking meds to bring down our blood pressures, to wake up, to go to sleep, to stop feeling anxious...etc. It is our bodies' reaction to a unnatural stimulant, a behavior or environment that goes against our natural state of being. One wise man once said, "We are human BEINGS. Not human DOINGS." We need to BE. Not DO.
We do too much.
We do too many things that are not good for us-Working is one of them. We should be doing things in life that are fulfilling. Tasks and activities that make our lives interesting, inspiring, and enjoyable. We did not ask to come here so while we are here we should be making the best of it. Think of what brings you joy. What makes you smile? Do that. Instead of being a worker, you can be an investor. Instead of being a worker, you can be a lazy CEO. Instead of being a worker you can be a landlord. The richest people in the world do not work at all. They build systems and make decisions. They pay other people to work, while their job is to just think. They come up with ideas. They don't break a sweat. They sit in meetings all day and talk about lucrative moves. Texas school district superintendants make an average of $335,000 annually, while the workers make $65,000 annually. The more stressful your job is the less you are paid for it.?
The jokes on you.?
You have entertained your enemies. They tricked you to believe working was normal, meantime they are not working at all.?? Jokes on you, sucka!
Customer Service Representative at Enphase Energy
2 年If I stop working, then you don't have anyone to call if your Phone or Tablet don't work.