Working With New Generation of Python

Working With New Generation of Python

Python is a great tool for writing short yet power scripts in order to perform complex tasks like image processing and NLP. But you can further enhance your code and reduce some lines of script by incorporating the following features that latest Python versions offer.


Assignment expressions can be used intelligently to avoid extra lines of code. Syntax that enables developer to combine assignment expression within a looping condition were much awaited. Python 3.8 fortunately came up with such kind of assignment operator named as Walrus operator (?:=?).

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walrus operator in python


Combining two collections is a commonly used operation. Out of all, merging two dictionaries / map using a simple operator can be very handy. With Python 3.9, you can do that with merge operator symbolised as ‘|?

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Merging multiple dictionaries

Further you can enhance the merge operator by using it with assignment symbolised as ‘?|=?

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Merging and assigning dictionaries using single operator


From Python 3.8 onwards, developers can use?reversed()?function with dictionary now. This can be useful while ordering large dataset without any need of looping through the complete collection.

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Reversing the dictionary in python 3.8list comprehension


Generally, construction of data structures like list, dictionary or tuples with a regular pattern demands few lines of code consisting of the loop structure and its body statements.

As Python is known for its powerful and compact syntax, version 3.8 came up with a concept of comprehensions for collections which allows the programmers to generate collections in one line just like a PRO!

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list comprehension

Comprehensions can have conditional statements in order to provide more control on generating collections.

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list comprehension with if-else statement

Unlike list and dictionary comprehensions, tuple comprehensions return generator which needs to be iterated further for consumption

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Example of other comprehensions


Type annotations are very common in various languages which aims to provide more meaning to the code. It can be classified as

Active Type Annotations

Such annotations decorate the code and also perform some actions (such as validations) which affects the flow of control by validating data types

Passive Type Annotations

Such annotations decorate the code to enhance readability and descriptiveness but does not affect the flow of control in any sense

Python’s type hinting / annotations are passive in nature. The type annotations can provide information regarding datatypes of argument and return type of function as shown

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Type hinting in python 3.8

Being a dynamically typed language, it is often hard for a developer to read large code snippets and identify the data type and structure of expected values. Adding type hints to your code can reduce this issue and greatly enhance readability while backtracking code snippets


Developers spend most of their time in processing the data structures. Modern day languages like Kotlin, Swift offers loads of features to process the data structures in a concise manner without compromising efficiency.

Following are some of the most used processing operations :


Arranging the collection in a specific order depending on a comparator


Filtering the actual collection in order to provide new collection of items which satisfy certain conditions


Converting existing collection into new collection with different nature of items

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Examples of sorting, filtering and mapping

All of the mentioned operations use?lambda ?syntax which allows the develop to write functions in a compressed syntax


String formatting and interpolation are handy features when a software demands high amount of formatted data to be pulled from or pushed to the user. Python offers?f-strings?in order to fulfil such requirements.

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Example of f-strings

Developers can use?=?in order to evaluate and print the self descriptive strings. You can follow the code snippet given below in order to clarify this description

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f-strings with short syntax


PIP works like a charm in adding dependencies to the projects. But straight away installing project dependencies globally offers few disadvantages on system level such as unnecessary memory consumption.

To resolve this issue, python offers?virtual environment?which offers a separate space for a project to all of its dependencies and also keeps those dependencies private to the project.

Installing virtualenv

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installing virtualenv library

Creating virtual environment

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Setting up virtual environment

Activating / Deactivating virtual environment

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Activating and deactivating virtual environment on demand



Latest updates in Python has enhanced the syntax of the language and has offered more powerful features to the developers. Python has maintained its USP of offering maximum functionality in minimal code.

“ Whenever the language developers increase the compactness of language beyond a threshold, it in turns increase the complexity of the code. Although the nature of releases this language is providing is familiar to the world of software developers and also resembles modern languages like Swift. “

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