Working My Pearls Day 56: Something Incredible Awaits
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. – Carl Sagan
Every single day I learn something, and I bet you do, too. Yesterday I learned a whole host of new acronyms that are used in the public sector. Tuesday I learned that the precision cooking setting on my much-smarter-than-me oven works best at temperature below 425°. Today I learned more about communication styles and Saturday I learned how to plant asparagus. I learn big things and small things. Some things I learn with my eyes, with my ears, with my hands, and some with my heart.
“You learn something every day!” is a throw away line so many of us use frequently, but it really is true. And while we likely write off much of what we earn as mundane, even the simplest of learnings or actions can be sublime. I wrote a sympathy note earlier this week, and I learned from that experience just how very impactful a simple gesture can be. The public sector acronyms might seem plain jane, but I’m only learning them because my I’ve worked hard to earn trust and inclusion from my colleagues in that business unit. Asparagus crowns don’t look like anything, but isn’t it kind of a miracle that we can plant something that looks dead and feed our family later?
The world is full of incredible things just waiting to be known if we just keep our eyes and ears and hearts open. So wear your pearls.