#Working Diary

#Working Diary

Hello, parents! No matter how old your child is and how long you’re able to be a stay-at-home parent, the big day will eventually come — finding daycare or childcare for your little ones. Work and children equal huge chaos and demands time management skills at a pro level.

A wise man once said, “It is what it is”, so what can we do as parents to find a balance between parenting and the hustle? Here you will find my top 5 tips to survive as a working mum. Enjoy and implement whatever speaks to you in your parenting routine.

Rule number one — flexibility. And not only yours but also your employer. There shouldn’t be any taboo topics between you and your manager. In particular, I mean those unexpected, aka unbelievable, children situations. Open communication is key here. Don’t pretend that nothing happened this morning even though your child had a huge tantrum, you have a migraine and forgot to pack your child’s lunch. People without children are also running late. Take a deep breath and be honest.?

My Baby and Infermedia’s Welcome Pack, or Infermedia’s Welcome Pack and my Baby? ;)

Rule number two — prioritization. We all know that at the end of the day your child is most important, but during business hours how can you stay focused and be effective? With flexibility should also come another very important skill —- prioritization. Use diaries, calendars, play with colors and try to have fun with combining your business schedule with your private one. Again, people are scheduling blocks of time for when they pick up their laundry or go to the gym. You really can schedule your child’s doctor appointment in your business calendar. You are a professional but a juggler too, be real there. Fewer notebooks equals less stress; put everything in one.?

Rule number three —- know your rights as a working parent! Remember how easy it was to go for nice holidays at least once a year before children? You requested your time off without a blink of an eye, right? Then, please don’t hesitate to take some rest now, especially when your child is sick and needs 100% of your attention. Happy and rested parent, happy child. Cliche, but very true.?

Rule number four —- knowledge sharing. You are not the only working parent in your company. Watch, ask, talk to other parents and learn from them, even from their mistakes sometimes. It’s hard to be a parent in 2022. We are more and more closed off and forget how much we can learn from each other. Find a community of parents who preferably have children the same age as yours and have a chat! There are employee groups for dog lovers, travellers, you name it. It doesn’t have to be super official. Just know with whom you can have a casual kids talk when you really need it. BONUS —- it’s extremely rewarding when you can help others, too. Your perspective can help someone a lot.?

This photo was taken at Iggy Pop's concert. Best time ever!

Rule number five —- self care. Everyone has their own definition of that, but sometimes when there is too much going on we tend to forget to eat something nutritious. Take advantage of your benefits, free time and quality time with your loved ones. Also try not to use all of the benefits for your children. These are yours ;) This photo was taken at Iggy Pop's concert ;).

As a talent acquisition specialist at Infermedica , I can vouch for the fact that we care for the well-being of every employee. Parents are a very special group of people who sometimes forget how much they do. In the company, we provide access to benefits and perks that can make your life just a little bit easier. As a company, we live through our values which are HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY, SUPPORT and QUALITY. We get that work is not the only thing you have in your calendar, so we respect that. Dear parents and anyone interested in working in a transparent and supportive environment, get in touch.?

For me, as a new Mum, I couldn’t find a better place to grow and learn????????. Thank you Oleksandra Chernyak Paulina Pudlis and Monika Wajs for your help and support ??

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