Working in a Multicultural Environment
Working in a multicultural environment might be seen , from the outside, as a positive thing, in fact many entities pride themselves and use modern words/slogans such as “diversity “ ,”inclusivity” and “equal opportunity” as a selling point and to gain some sort of credit/prestige in the face of constantly changing world that demand such actions and adopting socially responsibility norms.
However?such multicultural environment , like it?or not, can… no, will create challenges , both socially and professionally,?for individuals who relocate/migrate to another society.?Questions start to arise?“How and where do I fit in? ”, “ I don’t understand what’s going on ?”?“am not used to this ?” “We don’t do this in my country” . This would result in creation of social clusters , people of same background sticking together, such polarization ( some call it mafia or clique) remain underground , undeclared and its existence denied, can create uneasiness , mistrust “these people don’t like me and want me out”?and in some extreme cases can lead to isolation and depression.
?So what can be done , individually and collectively, to?cope with such scenarios.
Walk away and leave ? Complain??Try to make friends with other than your own background? Don’t pay attention to others , just do your job?
This is my advice , based on personal experience to anyone who is relocating to a new country that is different to what he or she is used to :
1-????Avoid working where the workforce is dominantly from one nationality. You will never fit in and will always be the odd one , or few , out.
2-??If there is no other choice then try to learn the common language of the office. Or start planning your exit strategy as soon as possible.
3-??Try, as much as possible, to avoid following one particular crowd socially , even if from your own background . You don’t to be , secretly, labelled or pigeon holed or lumped in same stereotype.
4-??Try to be unique in personality. Let your personality shine to show who really are and not a stereotype.
5-??Do not constantly complain about others if you feel you they are out to get you. If you keep complaining without concrete evidences you will create more enemies and provide excuse for others to say negative things about you or your performance or even worse spread rumor.
6-??If you feel there is a clear case of discrimination, verbal or written evidences, then you must file a case in HR and demand action to be taken. Do not accept excuse such as “ this is a misunderstanding”, “ Boss is out of the country now”, “Ill have a word with them”
7-??Do not , at any circumstance, accept lunch or dinner invitation at one of your colleagues home. Even if this person is the nicest person in the office or one of your bosses especially if you are in an important position. It will be a very sticky label that is hard to remove and power trip or attempt to gain a higher social status in the office for that “nice person”.
8-??Project a bit grit and steel in your persona so it is clear that you are not an easy target.
9-??If you are too sensitive and prone to go to the bathroom and cry your heart out every time someone say negative things to you then you need to “exit your show like I exit the turnpike” ASAP.
10- ?Mental health is as important as physical health. If work environment start to make impact on your mental health. Seek professional advice or confined in a spouse , loved ones or a close friend outside your work place ( never inside). You need to allow others to check up on you , Do not try to accept it because your financial situation demand you to stay where and as you are in the hope for a better days. Depression and self-doubt?is a slippery slope. Suicide due to work pressure is real risk for any one. ?????
MEP Project Manager - MCIBSE, MASHRAE, PMI?CM, PMP?, PMI-RMP?, Leed? GA, NEBOSH, IOSH, FIDIC CONTRACTS, Lean Six sigma. Leading MEP teams. UAE Golden Visa Holder. Currently working with AECOM at Neom
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