Working With More Than One Recruiter
Albert Riehle
Senior Recruiting Manager (National) - Connecting top Life Science talent with exciting and innovative companies. Specializing in Pharma, Biotech, Medical Device, Clinical, Food, and Personal Care Products .
A question I commonly get asked is whether or not it's okay to work with more than one recruiter?
The answer should be pretty simple. It's yes. In fact, a good recruiter will probably even advise you to do so. You can draw your own conclusions about what it means if someone tries to scare you into an exclusive arrangement.
Let's peel back the curtain a bit and talk about why it's a good thing to work with more than one recruiter. The fact of the matter is that there's a lot of crossover in the jobs recruiters work. We share a lot of clients. In the case when two recruiting firms are working the same job, you'll have to decide which one can represent your interests the best. Any good recruiter will tell you that while we share a lot of clients, we also have many that we maintain exclusive relationships with or work with as a preferred vendor. Your advantage in working with more than one has nothing to do with the clients we share. It's all about exposure to the ones we don't.
That's why it's important to pick the recruiters you work with wisely. It's an easy thing to take on a negative view of recruiters in general by working with the wrong firms. Take the time to look over your recruiter's LinkedIn profile. Research the company they work for and find out what kind of reputation they have in your industry. Work with a company that has a strong client base in your field--which likely means more of those exlusive opportunities.
Pro Tips:
TL/DR: Yes, it's perfectly okay to work with more than one recruiter and it can even be a benefit to you if do it right. Manage your job search and the recruiters you work with and you'll have more success than viewing things on a more transactional basis. (Also: it wasn't that long. You could have read it.)