High Class Problems of Jonathan Fitch
Cliff Oxford
Founder, CliffCo | STI Knowledge | Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs | Member @ CliffCo
This newsletter on how entrepreneurs get educated hit home for a lot of us.?It had the fastest and highest paid subscriber open rate we have seen in awhile, almost 78% in less than 3 hours.?The answer is that the entrepreneur education evolves.?
Very neat format! I know I will learn a lot. Hope I can come. I feel like I've got some similar issues. May need to have a strategic growth session with you soon. - Libby P
I enjoyed reading today’s newsletter a lot!! Felt relatable to me as a business student. - Senior, Business School
Cool email and thank you for writing that. I’m looking forward to the event! Agree with everything you said and interested more in the whole Emory entrepreneurship class you mentioned and the results of those programs. Interesting case study.?-JSF
High Class Problems
It really hit home how entrepreneurs can look straight ahead and get it wrong or look left1?and get it right.
Recent GA Tech graduate and CliffCo member, Jonathan Fitch, came by to see me with one high class problem: two companies, NextGen, a smart home company which produces high growth and high profits and GlucoseSense, pre-revenue loaded with a hell yea rebel tag team of brilliant engineers and faculty from GA Tech, working on Tulsa Time, freedom and dreams to change diabetic healthcare and help humans walking anywhere on earth.?
High class problem: do I continue to run both companies or choose "one lane"? Options are run both or choose one and exit the other in the best possible way.?
From 2004 when I was hell bent on getting an accredited Entrepreneur course at Emory and eventually did for schools across America and later built Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs, here is what we have learned and now living in CliffCo.
Entrepreneurs don’t need an Entrepreneur education on how to clinically build a company and frankly making a decision like Jonathan’s in a room full of Entrepreneurs is just short of short sighted unless you prefer the narrowest lanes when thinking.?
Jonathan's answer is embedded in philosophy, social economics, math, hard and soft sciences all under the auspices of socrates's thought provoking dialogue- asking the questioner a series of open ended questions about the specific topic and in turn the student or questioner can also pose questions of their own.
It’s why we loaded up CliffCo with top marine biologists from Vancouver, Dr. Gary Chapman of Love Languages, Seth with his Chess Strategy and high performers across all fields and industries.?
Instead of an Entrepreneur MBA curriculum in 2003- it would have been better for us to design multi-disciplinary electives for business students who are already in a straitjacket curriculum that has been around since the 50’s. He would be better served to go bird watching with Bonner Black2?in Nashville, a gifted musician that is deciding how to create her own lyrical lane in country music.?
We all had the great intentions with Entrepreneur Organizations, curriculum, incubators, accelerators, classrooms but the results are not there any higher than a determined person starting in a basement.?
So, what is the multi-disciplinary, socrates answer to Jonathan's questions- we will open the dialogue at Porsche Sept. 14th, a multidisciplinary crowd for sure. Three points below to answer.
Be ready to discuss at CliffCo Porsche Sept 14.
Be ready to discuss at CliffCo Porsche Sept 14.
Be ready to discuss at CliffCo Porsche Sept 14.
Cliff Notes
1. Different perspectives.
2. Bonner Black - CliffCo member, Nashville Singer.
P.S. | Next, we have mailed our paid subscribers a research note on what publicly traded enterprise companies got lifted by the AI tide and what is the one that will likely crash and burn on Wall Street. Hint: the company named as the biggest beneficiary changed its name 3x in five years with the last change capitalizing on AI in its name although very little AI to show for it.??
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