Working for the Giant
SO I have been now working for Samsung for 9 months and can quite honestly say what a great experience it has been. The Giant in the display/mobile/construction/white goods etc. industry is a fantastic beast to work for. The Staff are friendly and helpful everything is so well organised the products are superb and The Vision of the company is second to None, they know where they are going and know where they will be.
Samsung listen to the VOC (voice of customer)and the VOS (voice of staff) and act accordingly having been privy to this process.The teams are great at what they do and know the markets that they play in exceptionally well indeed. This is a GREAT company, they have vision and the drive to succeed yes the work is hard but the benefits and the rewards are excellent so you don't mind the hard work that you put in as you are recognized for it,
I keep going over in my mind a saying that is very true "People don't leave bad companies, they leave bad managers"This company has GOOD Directors, GOOD managers and GOOD staff its really that simple good companies retain good staff and grow them. I have seen great people who have been promoted in a very short space of time within this organisation and it is good to see a company the Size of Samsung see this"
Good Companies and Good Managers Keep Good Staff and get Great results"
its proven
Samsung are innovative, the new S10 series(amazing)the new Fold phone (superb), the Dex Pad, the galaxy Tab S4 (which I have on loan)The galaxy watch (which I own and love with a great battery life and the most amazing amount of features) the screens in the B2B division, Hotel TV and home TV are all superb, QLED is amazing with no image retention issues at all(certified)they are always striving for the next big/best/great thing to bring to market and they do it so well.
I asked the question of one of my colleagues 'when will the newbie bubble burst' he replied to me and I quote " Having been here three years now it hasn’t, yes the work is hard, yes the company can be demanding, and yes the work can be exceptionally varied, BUT the bubble won't burst at all “and He is right it hasn't and most of my other colleagues agree
This is a great company with a superb and very varied product set that is second to none and great staff Globally. I love My Job, the company for which I work and the staff with which I share 8 hours plus a day
What more could you want?