Working from home with Solibri?
As the #COVID-19 situation evolves we, at Solibri UK Ltd, have been monitoring developments and decided to take action to help protect the safety and health of colleagues and partners. The first thing we have done is postpone all Classroom Training and eliminate as much travel as possible including measures such as working from home.
Working from home may well be a new thing to some people - for me, tomorrow is actually 20 years since I started 'working from home'! At least I have had some practice, but if you are new to this and are going to be using Solibri, here are a few things to know...
- Make sure you have permission from your employer to use Solibri Anywhere, Solibri Site or Solibri Office outside the office / normal workplace environment.
- You will need a reliable internet connection to download Solibri (if not already installed) and to access the cloud licensing system (used to launch and run Solibri).
- If you are going to use Solibri on your home computer you can check the system requirements here -
- If you need to download Solibri, you need to log into your Solibri Solution Center account here -
- You will need your username and password to access the Solibri Solution Center and to sign in to Solibri. Your username is your email address and if you have forgotten your password, there is a link to reset it on the Solibri Solution Center.
- Finally, you will need to access the files Solibri requires whether these are the original .ifc models or projects already saved in .smc format. The logistics and security implications of this are down to individual companies policies... we recommend you check with your company IT administrator and / or management team.
That covers the Solibri side of things, but here are also a few #tips I have picked up over the years of working from home...
- Have a 'workspace' you can go to, even if it is only a corner of the kitchen
- Plan what your day is going to look like and set tasks within a normal working day routine
- Stay connected and communicate with others - especially in these unprecedented times
- Take regular breaks and have a 'start' and 'finish' time to your day
- Don't get distracted by Social Media or YouTube content like this:
Please feel free to share this article and I would love to hear your own survival hints and tips to 'working from home' in the comments below.
Finally, and most importantly, #staysafe!
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