Working from home
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd
Accredited Insights Practitioner with over 30 years experience working with teams and supporting development to achieve greater business results.
My first day working from home and it's all about structure for me -
- Start the day with exercise - 45 minute strength and conditioning for me - thank goodness for Sydney Cummings on YouTube!
- Breakfast - made overnight oats so they were ready post work-out
- Shower and ready for work - no power suits - sticking to the lycra because there will be more exercise
- On-line at 8.30 and checking emails, organising calls with the team and catch ups with people that might need support
- Project work - lots of things I never have time to do in the office and this is my perfect opportunity to get planning
- Team call at 10.30 - ensuring we are aligned and giving the support we need to the team - it's tough with 4 hotels closed, lots of employees laid off and we need to ensure communication is really strong and we maintain relationships
- Break - go out for a walk to get some air - keeping the 2km radius in mind
- Time to get started on the project work
- 12.30ish - lunch - made soup yesterday - variety will be important this week
- Check the emails and make further calls
- Back to the project work - we have Recruit Genie (applicant tracking system) launching next week so will need to check progress and ensure I am happy with the candidate journey - we might not need it for a few months but it is important we are ready
- 3pm afternoon break - Wattbike in the garden so 30 minutes and 15km spin session for me
- Few emails will need to work on and get back to people on before the day ends
- Write my to-do list for tomorrow, check in with the team and sign off
- Cycle - I can get 25kms in without leaving the 2km zone - I might be dizzy but exercise is so important for mental wellbeing.
How we manage our #mindset during this time is so important - we can moan about what we can't do or we can be #positive and look at what we can achieve. I want to be so prepared that when we are ready to re-open we are flying!