Working from home "Must be nice"
Since I started my business and quit my job when people ask what I do as is common, I briefly answer them saying I run my own business. Almost always I get asked/stated "so you get to work from home" and I just reply "sort of" (its more complex). Their answer is always "must be nice". They are not being rude, but its a silly answer.
See... I gave up a steady income a while back, with a 2 month old baby at home, talk about a leap of faith (and God has provided). Let me tell you, working from home, not so "nice" when you got diaper duty and loud young children alllllllll summer long.
Also... working from home means you NEVER leave work. You're always in the office. Each time you walk past the laptop to can hear it calling to you. Each time you pick up your phone you make sure you didn't miss an email. If you're not careful, working from home can and will destroy your "home". I'm sure its less so with older or no children at home.
Last... folks equate working from home with less work or less stressful work. You are now 100% sole in charge of your success and failure (you'll experience both). Sick days DON'T exist. Vacation, well that's a tough matter altogether.
Working from home requires extreme dedication and discipline. So much so that I NO LONGER work from home, I couldn't hack it, may family couldn't hack it. I now have my own office I can work from. And yes, even today on a Saturday, I'm at the office. But that now affords me the ability to mentally and emotionally separate "The Office" from "The Home". Yes they intersect. Been talking to my wife today online about a few things in regards to her quilting business. And when I get home I've got plans to work on a demo site at night (after 9 when the kids go to bed). But I can keep work in its place AT MY CHOOSING. And that is huge.
But to everyone that thinks working from home "must be nice". Lets me tell you its far more stressful, more busy, pay is sporadic at times, ain't no such thing as overtime for those long weeks, no sick days... The trade off is the end result. My limits to achieve are only limited by my ability to 1 Learn 2 Work Hard 3 Lead Others.