Working from home? How to make the best of it according to the Sampler team
Marie Chevrier Schwartz
CEO at TechTO and Recovering Entrepreneur (ex-Sampler)
We’ve all had to adjust our daily life to the new social distancing norms over the past few weeks. Perhaps one of the biggest adjustments for many of us has been trading in our office spaces for a new home-bound setup.
At Sampler, this meant going from one work-from-home day to an entirely remote work week. Our Monday morning company-wide meetings are now virtual and our Friday beer cart turned into a fun 28 person video-conference. One of the most interesting things for me to witness as a founder though, is the unique way in which every team member is embracing their new work environment.
So I asked the Sampler team for their advice on adjusting to a different workspace in times of social distancing and here’s what they said:
Make time for your well-being - Kelly, Director of Marketing
Every single morning I'm so tempted to hop on my computer first thing and get right to work (now that my computer is literally steps away from my bedroom), but each day I stop myself and go through a routine of light yoga and meditation. I've also worked full meal breaks into my day. Letting yourself breathe and absorb your day with little breaks is so vital in making sure you're feeling the littlest bit of control in such uncontrollable times. Whether it's making time to watch a silly show at lunch or taking 10 minutes to look out your window at all of the adorable dogs in your neighbourhood, finding little moments of peace and calm is a game changer. Take that extra 15 minutes in the morning to get your mind in a good place—your inbox can wait.
Little ones at home? Divide and conquer - Jaimie, Sales Director
If you have kids and both you and your partner are working from home, there’s no better time to team up and take turns. Juggling parenting and a full time job is no easy feat for any of us, but the key here is to simply make the best of the situation - and enjoy the added family time while we’re at it. Try to set aside some time in the day to enjoy having your kids around and spending uninterrupted quality time with them before it’s time for all of us to go back to our normal routines.
Set the stage - Cynthia, Marketing Manager
You’ve likely had to trade in a work area you’re used to for a whole new set up, but it doesn’t mean you have to simply settle for your kitchen table. Take this as an opportunity to create a dedicated workspace that inspires you and will make you want to get work done. Breathe some new life into your space with a plant, a candle, artwork or anything else that’ll keep you positive and focused. You’ll be way more productive in an ambience that brings you joy so pour yourself a cup of freshly brewed coffee, play some background music, and enjoy your new personal office space. I find that in times like these, small daily pleasures make a world of a difference.
Know when to connect (and disconnect) - Ali, Client Success Manager
It’s a very unique time for all of us, so staying connected with your team and loved ones often is key but knowing when to step away from our devices is important too. I’ve been putting my phone away around 7pm most nights and dedicating this time to doing something I love, or attempting something I’ve never done before like learn to bake (turns out I make a banana bread which is passable)! To boost my productivity during the day, I like to switch up my workspace around the house. The change in scenery helps break up the monotony and acts as a great mood booster.
Keep a schedule (including sleep) - Shonezi, Director of Operations
We all know keeping a routine is important when working from home - and keeping a consistent sleep schedule is no exception. I’ve kept my usual sleeping hours even though it’s tempting to sleep in a little more. I find waking up at the same time I normally do, sets the tone and boosts my productivity for the rest of the day.
Leading your team from afar can come with it’s challenges particularly as you navigate through uncertain times - but with the right mindset and structure in place, you can help support its performance and well-being so you all come out of this as a stronger unit. After all, we’re in this together.
How are you and your teams adjusting to our new normal? I’d love to know! Share your tips in the comments below.