Working from home and how to evolve your business to cope with the "Hybrid Workplace".
Gary Johnston
AI Evangelist and Specialist in bringing AI for everyday business efficiency, security, and creativity—helping companies revolutionise their IT world by making it reliable, efficient, and accessible.
The first half of this year has been a stressful time for most business owners. First Brexit caused a general slow down and then from the end of February onwards the Global Pandemic for many stopped business dead in its tracks.
Of course, certain businesses have been busier than ever, accountancies have been at full stretch dealing with Furlough for businesses and dealing with client queries as the government created a multitude of schemes designed to prop-up the economy.
Now it feels like we are entering a phase where things are returning to a more normal state. It feels like time to take stock and plan for the future of our businesses.
Evolving your business systems.
Home Office working has become standard practice for many businesses. We have seen research from Gartner that confirms what most of us had suspected.
The research suggests that businesses are in the process of evolving new approaches to cope with work during and post COVID-19 pandemic.
“The study found that 82% of business leaders say their organizations plan to let employees continue to work from home at least some of the time, while 47% plan to allow employees to do so permanently”.
While it is unlikely we will suffer Boris Johnson’s nuclear event another National Lockdown we are likely to see regional lockdowns and we need to include this into our planning.
Agile businesses take advantage of the possibilities offered by Virtualization.
Now is the time to look at how your systems need to evolve to deal with the new work environment, as the new reality can also offer new ways of realizing efficiencies, real cost savings as well as the step change in security necessary for the modern business
So if you are in the 82% Virtualization of the work environment along with upskilling the work force with the vital Security Awareness training will provide your businesses with the tools you need to manage the new “Hybrid Work place” (I love a new buzz word (Hybrid workplace) ie. the office and home).
Virtualization as you know recreates your desktop or server in the Cloud, meaning you can access all of your stuff from anywhere, it is safe, secure and ultra-reliable and very cost effective compared to traditional IT.
By reducing reliance on expensive hardware, reducing support costs, providing flexibility and maximizing capacity, the case for virtualization is compelling.
Talk to us about how you can embrace the hybrid workspace.