Working effectively with at-risk families: A framework for regulating shame and supporting engagement
Colby Pearce
30 years speaking with, hearing, & understanding children and young people who could not be safely cared for at home, & adult stakeholders in their lives. Clinical Psychologist and experienced Board/Committee Chair.
Working with at-risk families, and supporting other professionals who do, has always been a particularly rewarding aspect of my practice. There is a great deal at stake as there is no doubt in my mind that the ideal solution for the children is to achieve an outcome where they can be safely cared for in their own home, keeping the family intact.
One of the first hurdles to working effectively with at-risk families is minimisation, by the adults, of the concerns that have brought (or may bring) the family to the attention of child protection authorities. This, in turn, can result in the adults being resistant to accepting, and/or dismissive of, well-intentioned and needed support and guidance.
In this two-hour online workshop I share an approach which lays the foundations for meaningful engagement and change, by regulating shame. For more information, and to register, visit: