Working on ecosystem development, one step at a time...
workshop with team, dec 2023

Working on ecosystem development, one step at a time...

In a large part of the world cluster development under the Triple Helix model has been the go-to strategy for regional economic collaboration. The original model by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff has been around since the early 1990s.

Recently I have been in a lot of conversations where we discussed this model but also talked about the paradigm shift we see transpiring into the Pentagon model.

This shift is represented by the following additions to the Triple Helix triangle.

Paradigm Shift []

When you consider that for most people clusters are a fairly unknown entity, imagine what needs to be explained trying to grasp the concept of the Pentagon model.

The extra pillars for Capital and Entrepreneur(ship) come on top of the explanatory conversations concerning regional economic development, programs & program management, ecosystems and stakeholder management, to name just a few. (And certainly just the top of iceberg...)

So it is nice when you can have a meeting with all stakeholder representation in the room, but this is usually not the case. That's why it works so very well to have visual artifacts from these conversations that you can bring to another meeting. It makes the system immediately insightful to the other participant and it will help you discuss the progress so far and the road ahead.

This last week I spoke about preparing an in-person workshop with a greentech cluster from Germany. The cluster is in development, so all the options are open. That makes it really fascinating to be in discussion with the starting team of this endeavour. We are not afraid to admit to each other that we do not have all the answers, but it seems that together we are getting somewhere.

Our first encounter last November was followed by a number of conversations online. The first meeting was a loosely organized dinner because I happen to be in the city. For some reason there was never a mention of contract, payment or god forbid an NDA. We just seemed to hit it off and be on the same page.

We are shaping the initial workshop as we go along. I must admit that this process, although it might look slow from the outside, taught me a thing or two.

First, the investment in time talking to this customer is really essential in the process of finding out what the actual problem is that we are trying to solve. At this point it is a combination of funding principles and accelerator projects that we are building in order to have a sustainable business model in the long run.

Secondly, I notice that I really enjoy the intellectual challenge of discussing the issues and ideas that we are engaging in. It makes it more and more clear which way this project is developing. I guess it also builds trust in the relationship to engage in this open and frank debate on the way we see things progressing or not. Somewhere I trust the pro bono work will shift into something else...

This open mind set was also present during a number of calls I had with people during the week. I think it was nice to experience sharing ideas and experience with relative strangers to find at the end of the conversation that you do have similarity and complementary expertise that you probably can use in the near future.

So I was not only working on the ecosystem of the client/ customer but also on my own. Building relations, one at a time, sharing insights. Not being afraid sharing ideas and possibilities in future collaborations.

Looking back at some of those calls I think it will become a very interesting 2024, one ecosystem at a time. ;-)

[ if you want to hear more on these conversations and how they developed further; feel free to book a free (!) virtual coffee call ;-) via ]

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Nadim Choucair

Urban transitions at Dark Matter Labs | Podcaster at Curiosity That Matters ?? | Facilitator & Founder

1 年

Hi Victor! Thanks for sharing this reflection & looking forward to a conversation - Just booked. From what I read, you might find this event about “Inisghts on ecosystem building” relevant. Happening this Thursday: Systems Innovation


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