Working as a Collaborative

Working as a Collaborative

The Power of Together

The power of together is the notion that by working together, you can accomplish more, more efficiently.

The internet is currently structured around individual 'islands' of content - websites, blogs, and even social media posts exist on their own. This leaves business owners scrambling to find ways for their customers to find them - tweeting incessantly, putting up blog posts no one reads, and spending thousands of dollars on Facebook and Google Ads in an attempt to reach their ideal audience.

My vision and passion is educating local businesses on the Power of Together. Working as a group or team to tell our story and WHY we do what we do. When I was introduced to Klusstering in February 2016 to promote my business in a Klusster E-Magazine, I jumped at the opportunity. The platform was built by Steve Thode, Founder; specifically for local business to collaborate together and increase their target audience. It worked so well that I published my first e-magazine, Thrive Collaborative. We have an amazing group of businesses who share their knowledge and expertise in a variety of genres, and even better they share each others stories on social media! The Power of Together.

With Klusster, businesses can leverage their own social media following, in exchange for access to those of the other members. Their business is referred, their content is seen, and their websites are found - meaning more customers, and more revenues. 

Thrive Collaborative's mission statement is, "We Empower All Who Aspire To Continually Improve"

Does your business fall into this category. Perhaps you are a Life/Professional Coach, Therapist, Alternative Practitioner, Musician, Artist, Nutritionist, Fitness Professional.....all things that make life better and assist others to be empowered and live a full happy lifestyle.

We are looking for businesses to join our collective. Please feel free to contact Lee to discuss how we can begin a relationship and share your WHY with a broader audience.

Lee Pryke, MPsy, Certified Professional/Happiness Coach, Author, Writer, Publisher. Call 226.218.4240 or email [email protected]. WEBSITE


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