Working Backwards
Johan Meyer
Helping You Improve Payments & Collections to Increase Cash Flow and Improve Client Retention. If You Need Your On-Time Payments & Collections to Improve, Let's Chat.
Love or hate - they've built some impressive products and structures over a 30 year period.
I recently read the quite interesting book "Working Backwards" from Colin Bryar and Bill Carr - both ex-Amazon executives - wherein they share how some of the most important business processes and products in Amazon came to be.
And as I read their description of the "Working Backwards" principle, where product or solution development using the customer's needs and perspective is the primary focus, I wondered if a version of this tried and tested principle could not be adapted for a more individual, or personal use.
Let's speculate.
The Working Backwards Framework in a Nutshell
In short, Working Backwards - as used by Amazon - is a principle that places customer experience and satisfaction at the heart of the product / solution development process.
It starts by first spending enough time to fully define the intended customer experience and then:
"... working backwards from that point until the team achieves clarity of thought around what to build."
(P98, Working Backwards, Bryar & Carr)
Key Elements of the Process
The 3 Key artefacts created when using this mechanism are as follows:
Why It Works
Well - it describes and simulates the future. It takes an idea or a requirement and jumps into the future where this product solution is already in place.
And it does it in a manner that allows for rigorous questioning, testing and versioning without incurring the cost of actually building a real, physical product - which inevitably fails on first presentation because it was not tested.
But fundamentally, the process works because it is aimed first and foremost at providing the customer with a tremendously satisfying experience, with a good business reason behind it.
Now - as you can imagine, if this is done right then it is quite an undertaking. But an undertaking that provides a most efficient way of getting to the right thing to build.
How can I Make This Work - For Me?
Now my thinking is - The principle and process of Working Backwards has to work on an individual level as well.
It changes a "Hit-and-Hope" approach for workplace and career development into something deliberate. It provides a framework that allows you to start with the end in mind. No - it forces you to start with a clear end in mind, instead of first choosing a career path and hoping that it provides you with everything you need.
And it is simple enough that you could use it today, regardless whether you are just starting out on your professional journey or whether you are a 40 year veteran.
So if this was me, this is how I'd go about it.
Making it Work for You
We'll use the 3 key elements used in the Working Backwards process and apply a personalized, individual spin to it.
1. The Press Release / Press Statement
Instead of writing a product release or product announcement press release, you'll write a Press Statement about you. Something similar to what you see on websites in the "About Us" section where the company shares some information about their key people.
So - picture 5 or 10 years into the future. And specifically, picture yourself 5 - 10 years into the future. Who are you? What are you able to do? How do you act? What do you do? What have you accomplished that are proud of? What have you not yet accomplished?
Like an Amazon team - spend some time on this and write down a description of the future you that - if that becomes you - you'd feel proud and satisfied about who you are.
Now - important here - don't focus on your professional side or career only. It is only a part of who you will become, it is an enabler (albeit a significant one for many people. But you are not your job or career.
So who do you want to be?
2. The FAQ
Once you have a first version of the Personal Press Statement, you now go ahead and do an FAQ.
These questions must create the framework around which you determine how to go from where you are now, to what you have described in the press statement.
How do I...? Where can I...? When will I...? What do I need to...? and similar type questions, based on the detail of the press statement, will help you identify relevant details, and also relevant risks.
Now - important - you may not have all the answers yet - and that's perfectly fine. That is part of the process. To determine the answers and the detail needed to get the things done you have defined in the press statement.
3. The Review meeting
Or series of meetings...
Now - sure, you can try and do this by yourself. But think about it - how can you effectively question yourself, or test yourself, or validate effectively that your press statement genuinely describes a future you that inspires you, creates a feeling of longing to reach it and motivates you to take action?
For this review, it is best to get help from someone that can work on this with you. A trusted friend or partner may help, as long as they understand the process.
But, best results will come from working with a coach who understands this process and who can help you ensure that you are satisfied the end results will provide great personal satisfaction and can help you define the actions needed to get you there.
Imagine yourself as your own best client or customer.
Would you not want to provide yourself with the best possible life experience, relevant to your context, your needs and your ambitions?
Do you not owe it to yourself to work towards being the best version of you there can be?
Understanding yourself as your own client and using the working backwards framework puts you in the driver's seat of your development. It’s about taking charge, being proactive, and ensuring that every step you take is a step toward the future you want.
Start today by defining that future, and map your path backwards to the present.
Your most important project is, after all, your own life.
If you want more...
Defining the Outcome
I've always been a vocal proponent of understanding the outcomes you wish to achieve. Because if you understand what change or outcome you are looking for, and the benefits you'll get when that is accomplished, then you can define the goals you want to set to get you there.
In the video linked below I explain this concept in more detail using the example of a young man called Eugene - and I'd love to hear your feedback on it.
Working Backwards
If you want to find out more about the very interesting book I talked about in this article, you can find it by clicking on this link: "Working Backwards" from Colin Bryar and Bill Carr.
(It is an Amazon Associates link, so should you wish to purchase the book from here a small % of the price will come my way.)
Best wishes