and working across barriers.....
The International Network of Interim Manager Associations INIMA
The International Network of Interim Manager Associations connects over 3500 professionals globally.
We as Interim managers are often tasked with breaking down cultural barriers to assure a successful outcome of a transition project. The limited duration of a transition assignment requires that the barriers are understood quickly and appropriate action taken.
Our own personal point of cultural reference conditions our judgement of other people. The cultural generalizations can be correct, for example people in southern Europe are ?often late for appointments. However, it is important to note that time management is a cultural difference between people from northern and southern Europe, and maybe not a personal characteristic. Cultural generalizations can be useful when working ?internationally, such as the Geert Hofstede and the Harvard Cultural Dimensions.
Organizational dimensions also are important, these may be ?between corporations and small companies, and between different levels in the hierarchy. The way of working in small family companies can be wildly different compared with the processes of large corporations, but they may well be effective for the SME. We as interim managers must quickly understand the organization and effectively navigate within it. Self-awareness of our own cultural and organizational biases is essential so that we may ?effectively observe and operate from an objective standpoint.
This is the first of a series of INIMA ?posts that will address cross cultural interim management .
Certyfikowany Interim Manager HR
6 个月We are in the process of publishing a series of short articles about experiences gathered by interim managers during international assignments. While the focus is usually - and rightly so- on technical competencies, intercultural communication skills can prove critical for the success of an assignment when the environment is significantly different from what the interim manager had been used to before. We encourage interim managers from across Europe to share their thoughts with us.