Workforce Wrap-Up: September 13, 2024
National Fund for Workforce Solutions
We envision an equitable future where workers, employers, and communities are thriving and prosperous.
Welcome to Workforce Wrap-Up, where we share the stories, issues, and topics that are driving the conversation within our network and in the field. The Wrap-Up will be delivered to your inbox twice a month on Fridays.
SHIFTing into Workforce Development Month!
Read the Latest Blog From National Fund President and CEO Amanda Cage
It’s September and you know what that means — SHIFT is almost here! I love seeing all the buzz and excitement growing among everyone who is eager to join us in Memphis.
September is also Workforce Development Month, when we recognize the tireless efforts of workforce development professionals across the country and take stock of what’s needed to continue pressing forward toward an equitable future.
Your Workforce Reading List
Brookings Institution: The Changing Landscape of Economic Opportunity by Race and Class in America
Families and Workers Fund: Families and Workers Fund Awards $12+ Million for Underinvested Communities To Fill Workforce Gaps as Clean Energy Transition Accelerates
Economic Policy Institute: Southern Economic Policies Undermine Job Quality for Auto Workers
Lumina Foundation: Community Colleges and the Emerging Green Economy
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