Workers Protection Act

Workers Protection Act

Well, well, well – its me Force of Nature, Emma Tice here reporting for duty…and what a coincidence on such a windy and Autumnal day.? What is your view on the closing of the summer season and the coming of Autumn?? I am torn, and whenever I am torn about anything, you know me, I must create a list, so here goes…..


·???????? Kids back at school (I love them but was a looong 6 – 7 weeks!)

·???????? It’s cheesey but pumpkin spice (LOVEE it in every iteration!)

·???????? That cosy feeling and looking forward to Christmas (yes, I said the C word!)

·???????? It is cooler for the ponies (they prefer it!)

·???????? It is planning time in the Tice household.? Every academic year I swear to myself this is the year I will be super organised, super mum – so out come the calendars, white boards, lists and plans (how long will it last this year)

·???????? We also plan our holidays for next year (super organised)


·???????? The nights draw in – this is especially hard for horse owners

·???????? The weather goes pants (well, even more pants!) – it is the mud I cannot stand!

·???????? Motivation can dwindle as the weather so affects my mood.

·???????? You realise that Christmas is around the corner and you have zero plans in place at all.

·???????? The post -holiday health kick is upon us!

Generally, I would say it is a pretty even fight….the good and the bad…well that was annoyingly inconclusive…

What is conclusive is the date that we have for the implementation of the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023.? Never a fan of these convoluted titles, although it does what it says on the tin.? So, when is the big day?? 26 October 2024, so you definitely need to make sure you are prepared.

Essentially this new piece of law introduces a duty on employers to take “reasonable steps” to prevent sexual harassment of employees.? We have covered more of the detail previously READ HERE.? The new act is coming into effect exactly 12 months after it received Royal Assent (the official “Ok” from King Charles) – that makes my ordered brain do a happy dance!

It’s all been a bit muddled because the legislation drops the third party elements that were initially proposed by the draft guidance keeps referring back to it. We’d say, keep talking about third party harassment in your policies and make sure staff know what to do if it happens.

That’s just a little extra tid-bit for ya but want to know more?? Of course you do…well join us at our employment law update event in October where we will share more on this and other juicy bits you need to know about to be one step ahead of the game – Sign up here.

Can’t wait until then?? I know how exciting employment law updates can be!?!? I jest, but in seriousness it is important you protect your business by making sure you are ready.? Well, at Precept of course we have our lovely clients covered.? We already have an updated and brand spanking new policy to make sure you guys have everything you need to be covered – you are so very welcome!? For our clients this is already LIVE AND KICKING (90s reference anybody?) and ready to go on our document bank with extra special drafting notes because we love you so much.

Not a client, why on earth not!? Give one of us a shout and we can talk to you for hours about how good we are and how we are different from the pack.? In fact the Business Helpdesk has already recognised this as we are shortlisted for Disrupter Business of the Year 2024 – this is exactly what we are trying to do #doinglawdifferentley

Otherwise, I will get back to my planning…


