Worker killed in skylight fall in
In February 2018, a worker was killed after falling five metres onto a concrete floor. Early investigations indicate the worker was attending to a radio tower on the roof of a storage shed when a skylight has collapsed and he fell through to the floor below. Investigations are continuing.
Preventing a similar incident
This incident highlights the risk of working on or near fragile roof surfaces. Roofs are likely to be fragile if they are made with:
asbestos roofing sheets
poly-carbonate or plastic commonly used in skylights
roof lights, particularly those in the roof plane that can be difficult to see in certain light conditions or when hidden by paint
fibre cement sheets
liner panels on built-up sheeted roofs
metal sheets and fasteners where corroded
glass, including wired glass
chipboard or similar material where rotted
wood slabs, slates and tiles. This article was taken from Queensland work health and safety