Workaholic's Anonymous
Workaholic's Anonymous
Wednesday was National Workaholics Day.?
And here’s some not-so-breaking news: America is officially the most overworked developed nation on the planet.?
We’re not only working hard, we’re not proficient at slowing down to take our downtime:
According to Qualtrics, Americans leave 9.5 unused vacation days on the table a year.?
High productivity??Perhaps. High stress??High turnover? Absolutely.?
Now before we go vilifying those week-long work warriors...
Full disclosure #1:
The definition of a “Workaholic” is,??"a person who compulsively works hard and long hours”.?
That sounds like…*drum roll please”….yours truly.?
I am guilty as charged that I work my fair share of around-the-clock hours. But I do so because I’ve found joy in the journey of my job. In fact, I question if it’s a job, a career or a calling!?
I don’t see myself as a Workaholic but more of a?Helpaholic.?
I also fully acknowledge that most folks don’t have the luxury of getting paid to “do” their calling.?
When that’s the case, we need to find ways to design our lives for some serious “ME” time.?
Full disclosure #2:
I wrote this “dose" last week so I could enjoy my “in progress" family vacation from the beach.
So? Is work-life balance a real thing? Do you believe “balance” is attainable?
My short answer? Yes.?
A few weeks back I mentioned a quote from #Unjuggled Author Jana Kingsford. She talks about balance being something you need to create for yourself.?
It made me think about Introverts and Extroverts:
When I look at both of these guys above, I’d say, I’m both of these people pending on the day. So perhaps the real question you need to ask yourself isn’t, “Are you an introvert or an extrovert?”?
It’s, “When will you allow yourself to be an?Ontrovert?or an?Offtrovert?”
Marie Griffin doesn't tell clients what to say, she teaches them how to think. From losing everything in her mid-30s to working with names like Gaga, Rhianna, and Beckham on the Media PR side of her firm GRIFFIN Media, Marie has defined her life by making bold moves. Despite lacking prior experience in broadcast or PR, Marie established a successful broadcast PR firm that has now partnered with renowned brands such as Nordstrom, Dior, Adidas, and the WSJ Magazine, just to name a few. In her conversation with Ryan, Marie reveals her superpower: building trust and consistently delivering on her commitments. Marie also debunks the misconception that people fear public speaking, emphasizing that our true apprehension lies in the fear of judgment, a challenge that requires internal resolution. Finally, they delve into CATNIP?, the speaking division of Griffin Marketing & PR, where Marie collaborates closely with clients to discover their irresistible qualities, fostering their development and enabling them to effectively communicate the unique attributes that set them apart.
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Ryan Berman is the founder of Courageous; a think-feel-do change consultancy based in Southern California. With 25 years in creative business, Ryan believes your “future is safe with change”. Ryan is a speaker, practitioner and authority on the subject who has been featured in Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Inc and Forbes. Ryan has spoken on the topic all over the country including at Google, Procter & Gamble, Kellogg’s, Kraft Heinz, Logitech, Discover Card and charity: water. Ryan also hosts?The Courageous Podcast ?where he talks with leaders from around the globe to uncover what it means to be courageous in today's world. His book,?Return On Courage , shares why companies need to unlock courage while providing practical tips on how organizations can operationalize courage today.?Learn more at?