The work you do happily identifies you
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Feeling of being happy comes when one gets or does something of his/her interest. There are many factors on which we think when it comes to office and being happy there in,like people we work with, profile we work in, tasks we are assigned, rules and regulations of the office, involvement of leaders their behavior, etcetera. However, we never see closely into ourselves, what we seek? what work do we do?, will I be comfortable here?
If I talk about myself, I always choose the work I want to do and according I join company, which helps me to grow and explore myself by serving company with my skills. The people I work will knows my worth and they are smart enough to utilize my skills appropriately which keeps me busy whole day. Apart from this the owner of the along with superiors treat me as an asset which motivates me to work harder and perform better than the last day. Hence, yes I feel happier in the office and I wait to come back next day to my working place.
I am a strong advocate for work life balance and I strongly feel if you don’t manage your work too hard , you would probably exhaust yourself very early in the long run. The pay is not very great but I’m happy that I am able to do other things in my free time. I love reading books, writing posts and articles as well exercise. And I am having enough time managing all these. And this is what makes me super happy. My colleagues are also generous with my work schedule and always helpful whenever I need leaves for personal reasons.
Perks we enjoy are. Two time meals and that too of highest standards. State of art architecture, CCD coffee machines, unlimited supply of bread, butter, jam and soft drinks. A vending machine card having 600 Rs. a month for snacks and chocolates. Wellness activities, with no work pressure, great manager and management. Cons - I am not Learning anything new, which I can use in future job hunting.
On the other hand the pay is quite less, the kind of company for which we work I expected at least 7–8 k more. Getting too comfortable, trust me people are literally stuck here..Because it's really a comfortable job…and in return they are compromising on salary growth. Conclusion : I am pretty much satisfied with this job, as it came as a blessing In my life and helped me get out of difficult time. But I don't want to remain satisfied , otherwise it will destroy my aspirations.
I get to stream music over an excellent sound system my teammates and I listen to all the time while working and my manager has the same “just do it” attitude we have and doesn’t micro-manage. Also we have flex hours so I work 5:30am-2pm and I get to work on improving the sound reproduction of products that my employer offers into the market. Also my teammates are into tech, sound, music and cars….just like I am. I live one mile away so no traffic to deal with in the city area. Additional benefits are free coffee, soft drinks, snacks.
If you’re not having fun at least 50% of the time, it’s time to look for a new job” - quote from a presentation at a career fair. Nevertheless, if you really want to be happy with a job you’re not enjoying, here are some things you can do: Ask yourself if it’s the ‘work’ that you don’t like, or if it’s the people, work culture, or office environment? If it’s the ‘work’ -Set 3 goals to achieve for each day. Doing this can help make you feel ‘accomplished’ and in turn, can give you this sense of happiness which will probably help you enjoy the job.
You could also reward yourself with small breaks or treats for completing the goals/tasks you set for yourself. Delve deeper into the purpose of the job. Maybe that can help you. Knowing that you’re contributing to a larger purpose, such as “helping make lives better” or “improving someone’s day” etc. can really give you a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. Look around if some other task or work interests you and ask if you can do that instead. If it’s the ‘people’ at your workplace that you don’t like -You probably haven’t spent much time with them. Try spending time with your workmates over lunch or other social opportunities and get to know them better. This might help you soften up your dislike towards them.
If it’s a particular person that’s bothering you and trying to get to know them better didn’t work then just let it be. Something/someone can only bother you if you let it/them do so. Just carry on with your work, engage with that person when you ‘need’ to (as part of your work), and enjoy your days with your other workmates. However, if the matter is really serious, then inform someone who can help you deal with this particular person (or people if that’s the case) If nothing else works, and you enjoy the work that you do, then just find somewhere you can do your work in peace. If it’s your manager or boss that is troublesome - try solving the situation peacefully with the help of your co-workers or even someone senior to your boss. If that’s not working, there’s not much that can be done there, and a new job is the best way to go about it.
Don’t like the work culture/office environment? -Take initiative and introduce fun stuff! If anything requires permission, then make sure you make it sound like it would benefit the company/organisation while seeking permission (because fun at work is actually beneficial to the company lol). There are plenty of ways you can spice up the environment of your workplace. Just do a quick Google search and you should have enough to keep you going. If the environment is something that is affecting you personally (in terms of disability or religious beliefs or something similar) then see if you can get arrangements made for you. Asking does not kill, and do not be embarrassed to ask. The worst thing that can happen after asking is probably being looked down upon - and in that case, you need to leave that organisation because you are worth so much more! And of course, the best that could happen is you getting what you need.
The key takeaway here is that it’s not always the work or the job that is making you unhappy. There are many other possible factors that could be affecting you. What you need to do is identify that factor and work on it. I’ve only mentioned a few. There could be many more. There could even be external factors affecting your work (such as personal issues, previous trauma, health, etc.) Just work out what it could be and work on it! Cheers!