Work Travel and Your Nutrition
Karen Aroney
CEO of ExecFuel?? & EMPWRHER?? - Premium Nutrition Programs for driven individuals ready to transform their health and life. Unleash your potential with powerful techniques that redefine nutrition and success.
Over the years of being in corporate myself and also practicing as an accredited nutritionist, I have seen the negative effects of work travel and how much they can affect a person physically and mentally. Aside from the lack of sleep, inability to take a rest in between back-to-back meetings and events and the jetlag, our nutrition is considerably compromised. For many of my clients, this is an area we work to cover in depth, in sessions, as it still proves to be the one area that can derail your hard work when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals.
Following is the step-by-step breakdown of considerations you can apply if you want to get on track and stay on track with your health.
When booking the flight:
When on the flight:
At hotel and beyond:
Corporate lunches and dinners:
It is worth keeping in mind that travelling for work is not the same as a holiday. Nor is it an excuse to deviate from a healthy routine (particularly if you travel a lot for work). During these trips it is more important that you try and stick to your healthy routine (including exercise) as much as possible, so that the excess weight does not creep up.
You will feel more prepared to continue eating healthy, and exercise once you return home.
Tips for eating at corporate lunches and dinners:
The above applies to you if:
Take what you can from the above, and build slowly at having it become routine with your work travel. You’ll come back feeling energised and motivated to work on your health and fitness goals.
Want personalised coaching to reach your desire body composition goals? I work specifically with high achievers to help them achieve their health and fitness goals in a way that is tailored to your needs, conscious of your busy lifestyle and sustainable longer term so that you have the tools to do this on your own and make it second nature in the future.
Book your initial call with me here.