Work towards Birdsong
Image by Markéta Machová from Pixabay The

Work towards Birdsong

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve awoken to the sweet sounds of birdsong – not the repetitive wail of the Koel, nor the caw of crows but actual mellifluous, uplifting birdsong from a species I’ve yet to identify.

Whilst I hope my neighbours enjoy the daily serenade as much as I, one should marvel that this may be enjoyed in the heart of a highly-urbanized nation like Singapore, a brilliant example of the harmony that can exist between Man and Nature.  

It struck me in musing that this was not some overnight miracle, nor something left to Nature alone; the birdsong was the happy outcome of good old-fashioned stewardship that certain residents of my estate set in place 2 years ago, with the support of the Town Council.

Throughout the estate, the organized, consistent and collaborative efforts of this largely informal group helped turn barren soil into plots of greenery, helping set in motion an upward and virtuous cycle towards a healthy ecosystem complete with earthworms, butterflies, crested lizards and songbirds. I suppose it’s just like Frank Sinatra immortalized in his song “Love and Marriage,” that “You can’t have one without the other”.  

Whilst preserving far-off rainforests is absolutely essential, creating microcosms of thriving flora and fauna in our own backyards is also helpful and important, reminding all to care for Nature.

In closing, heart-warming birdsong - a literal voice of Nature - is something we can all work towards, signifying successful stewardship and harmony with Nature, and in so doing uplift young and old alike. 



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