Work through Limited Beliefs
?Think of something you want and then ask yourself why you don’t have it.?
This will begin to reveal negative emotions and limiting beliefs, which end up being some form of resistance and excuses.
Then, try journaling about an area of your life where you’re experiencing some frustration or where you haven’t been able to achieve something you desire. Next, become aware of the negative voice that tells you that you aren’t good enough, or that you can’t have it all. Notice the feelings that arise within you, and begin to write about them. Take a moment to consider the earliest time in your life when you first experienced these feelings.
?It will probably be sometime before you turned 11 years old, a time known as imprinting years.
What happened?
Who was there?
Let yourself see that you made a negative decision about yourself or others based on what happened.
How did this decision affect you at the time?
How has it limited you since then, and how is it holding you back now? Spend a few minutes writing about this.
It's hard to stay focused on one area of your life over time. New problems come up and have to be dealt with every day.
We are easily distracted from the critical question "Is my job still supporting my life goals?" because there are so many other pressing issues to deal with.
That's why we can end up missing critical signals that are trying to tell us "This job is not the best job for you anymore!"
We can miss little signals first, and then bigger and bigger ones over time.
If you ignore the small and medium-sized signals, you're likely to get thumped on the head with a really big signal that you and your job are no longer a good fit.
It could be that your job goes away, or it could turn out that your formerly-decent job becomes unbearable.
If no one wants to hear what you have to say, then your good ideas are going to waste. They can't pay you enough to squash your creativity! You owe it to yourself to look around for another job that will make the most of your talents, instead of wasting them.
If you don't see a meaty challenge ahead of you at work and every time you try to take on something bigger you get thwarted, how could your job still deserve you?
It's hard enough to go to work every day without having to also push a rock uphill when you get there. If you don't feel challenged at work, how can you justify the hours, brain cells and heart cells you devote to your job?. You could end up in the hospital if you pretend that everything is fine at your job when your body knows for sure that it isn't fine at all.
Can you think of a time when you wanted something, but decided it would be best to just dip one toe in to test the water?
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Managing Director at DAYALIZE
5 个月Think about it, you wouldn’t come up against an obstacle unless you were closer to achieving your goal. Obstacles are your friends because they help you make strides, learn, and, ultimately, experience a level of pride after successfully getting through. One of the best things we can do to help others develop this habit is to talk about it, to share our own experiences, and to create a safe environment that encourages taking risks, getting things wrong, and learning from one another. A setback is defined as a time when you go “backwards” a little in your progress against social anxiety, either because you faced too high of an anxiety. Like most positive habits, students learn best from observing others who model these behaviors and ways of thinking ----??situation or certain negative thoughts popped into your head an inopportune time when you weren't expecting it.