Work, Sex, Romance.

Work, Sex, Romance.

A romantic relationship can be hard anywhere, under any circumstances and add work to the mix then what you have is a recipe for either a disastrous outcome or a fruitfully and beneficial one.

The nuances of being in any kind of relationship with whoever are quite challenging for anyone to navigate or even make an attempt at and obviously differ from one kind of relationship to another. And these days the perimeters of what that constitutes just keep getting stranger or if you like more independent.

Put simply, what would have been seen as very unusual a few years ago (and the gap keeps getting smaller moving forward) is what generations like mine have learned, adopted and even normalized world over.

But I’d have to admit that even I have come across some strangely structured romantic relationships if they “identify” as that, type of arrangements that surely caught me by surprise even when the time before that I promised myself to never be surprised again.

But for the sake of being an adult about it or just an evolutionary instinct of not being judgmental in this century, I obviously played it cool every time.

And with how faster the world seems to be moving these days and how occupying it can be to hold a job and stay committed to it while handling the complexities of a relationship outside all that, can really take up a lot of bandwidth.

Most work especially that which you are committed to occupies most of your time and for many can carry on at home or after hours.

There are a few ways that plays out most times, either you get late for dinners or other engagements or just don’t show up for some and we all have an idea how that can go.

And if you live with your partner or partners, well then that carries with it the potential of weird vibes at home with some loaded energies.

Either way you look at it, one of the other between work or the relationship/relationships takes a hit at one point as long as you stay committed to one or both.

With all that in mind and you get lucky enough to meet someone at work then add all that and the intricacies of work life, tasks, coworkers and having a partner or partners there with you daily. Let’s just say it is no easy feat and definitely not for the faint of heart.

Also, if like most people you decide to take the online hook up scene route or the no attachments just sex one. Well then you know that can equally get taxing especially if you are the explorer type and you find yourself leaving behind a trail of bodies, rest assured that gets old fast too according to many accounts.

But then if you have ever been in any kind of relationship or human experience that involves other people then you know it’s never meant to be easy. And can be made up of a lot of close calls and risks which sometimes can prove to be worth it or not.

Also if you are one of those people who has chosen one over the other, well good luck with that. Its not an easy thing to pull off either.

With however or whatever you choose to do with whoever, your work should never be an excuse for not exploring a life outside work which usually means getting romantically or sexually involved or both and equally a relationship/relationships should never be what holds you back from advancing in your work.

If it ever gets to either then it might be the right time to stall the troops and redraw the battle plans because something might not be working how it should.

Therefore, no matter how complex, hard to explain or weird it seems to others. if it works with your work life or life as a professional in your respective field, my advice if you choose to hear it, would be keep it and see where it goes.

Because everyone regardless of who they are or where they live or do for work needs a life outside their work and that comes with being involved with another person or people. It is simply human nature.

“I am what I am”

?????????? -Popeye the sailor man.

?Thanks for reading.


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