Work with a recruiter who you can trust, so that you don’t have to judge your next 'book' by its cover.
Charlotte McRae
Director | I recruit niche construction management talent for leading main contractors, consultancies & developers in NZ's vertical build & interiors sector | Exclusive and retained search specialist.
Since recruiting and partnering with businesses in the construction industry here in Auckland since 2016, I’ve learnt a fair few things that have helped me build a skillset that I would like to think sets me apart from the bunch.
The cornerstone of our recruitment process is to meet and interview every candidate before we represent them to any clients. This may seem like a crazy statement and you may be thinking why on earth would this not be standard practice in the recruitment industry?
We cannot understand this either but trust me it happens consistently in our market and it’s poor practice. It’s lazy and it’s working on a hope for the best mindset which is nothing but a waste of time not to mention unfair on both the client and the candidate from a confidentiality perspective.
This reliance on a CV does not do justice to a candidate’s experience and often means that candidates will be rejected for ‘not looking right on paper’. You are potentially missing out on outstanding talent as a result.
Our success comes from investing in the client relationship up front, getting to know your business, your projects and what is going to fit now and in the future. Then when we spend that hour interviewing the candidate by the end of it, we know whether or how they match to that particular client and opportunity. We can then advise our client to meet them face to face with confidence and evidence that they will like them and that it won’t be a waste of their time. We understand that this trust is built overtime and not overnight but when we get there it makes the process a whole lot easier and the relationship with your recruiter becomes a pleasant one, rather than something that has to be endured!
We are paid well to do our job and if we cannot even get the simplest part right then we shouldn’t be trusted with populating your business with some of your most important assets.
Work with a recruiter who you can trust is working with you, so that you don’t have to judge your next book by its cover.
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