Pressure within the working schedule is increasing due to the variety of lifestyles, the changing nature of the work force, multitasking within employees, traffic congestion, shortage of manpower and pressure of competition and sometimes carrying stress at home.
In order to get out of the stress employees need short break for social interaction at work, which not only ignite the productivity of employee and release the tensions but also works as a dose to maintain the work environment more pleasant and tolerable
We could say this is the best tool for employees to socialize their selves to avoid stressful time, if it is only a quick chat and not social hours; but it is seen that employees, while talking on general topics, invade the private zone of their colleagues or keep on gossiping on the darker side of the personalities of their colleagues which in turn develops worst environment in their work place.
It is advisable to let the employees enjoy getting their selves involved in light gossip or corner discussions while at work which make them feel more energetic to complete their balance assignments. The positive point in these discussions is that employees discuss during their social chats what frustration they feel which they avoid discussing with their line managers. Also sometimes they propose solution to the problem which they cannot during stressful working sessions.
Sometimes work place itself create the need of short talks to get their selves out of the stressful moments but many a times these short talks turns into long cozy discussions, although without having similarities or rapport in the nature of the employees.