Work More Efficiently
Ruth Bozeman
Expert in Nutrition & Digital Storytelling | Keynote Speaker | B2B & B2C Strategist | Brand Awareness & Lead Generation Guru | SEO & Analytics Enthusiast | Social Media & Email Pro | Event & Website Design Innovator
Everyone is looking for a better work-life balance. It is a top factor for many in their current job searches. But what if you could give yourself more time to do the things you love?
Do you want to work less and have more time for the things you love? Here are are some simple tips that apply to personal at any level - New Hires, Managers, Executives… everyone can benefit from working more efficiently. So here are two habits to avoid that will help improve your productivity.
Multitasking During Meetings
Everyone is busy. But try to avoid multitasking during meetings. Several studies show that multitasking on any level reduces productivity. Multitasking has been linked to lower IQ's by 15 points during cognitive tasks and decreases emotional intelligence and brain density over time.
You should never give anything half of your attention, especially meetings. If a meeting isn't worth your full attention, should you be attending it in the first place? If the meeting IS worth you attending, give it your full attention and plan to get everything out of the meeting you can; make it worth your time.
Additionally, multitasking during meetings hurts your professional image. Your actions are telling others, "What you have to say is not important." OR "I am too distracted and unfocused," when dividing my attention while everyone else is focused on the priorities that brought them together.
Checking Your Phone
Didn't your mother tell you it was rude to interrupt? Stop checking your phone during a conversation. It is rude and unprofessional. Nothing turns people off like a mid-conversation text message or even a glance at your phone. Wait until one conversation is done before starting another.
When you commit to a conversation, focus all your attention on that conversation. You will find that conversations are more enjoyable and productive when you immerse yourself in them. You will remember more, engage more, and get more out of the conversation. All of which makes you a better co-worker, boss, and employee. Everyone benefits.
Both of these tips have one common factor – give your undivided attention to one thing at a time. So stay focused, work on avoiding diversions and distractions, and you can become more productive and work more efficiently... Giving yourself more time for a better Work-Life balance.
Find out more about Ruth Bozeman - an experienced marketing guru with a demonstrated history of working in a variety of industries.