Work Life Balance
Many people may wonder why it is so difficult to achieve work life balance. life balance is found in the quality and not so much in the quantity of time. In the automotive industry I find it very demanding of my quantity of time. I spend large parts of my day at work. Of course just like anyone else, I have goals and dreams outside of my career so therefore it is imperative to maintain healthy relationships outside of work. We all should have financial, family, and future goals to help create and maintain parameters to determine if we are going overboard or "underboard" in any one of these areas in life. Healthy can be subjective to some but healthy simply means all systems are up and running well. A healthy balance of work and life is not to difficult to achieve if we are intentional about it.
Balance is all about time management and a realistic expectation of lifestyle desires. Rather than spending a large portion of time on social media I spend my time with friends and family in a face-to-face context. I am involved. That means putting my cell phone on silent and reviewing emails sparingly on my days off or when I come home from work.
Keep the Balance or everything else will fall apart.
Gracefully Vigilant,
Cleveland Sainpreux