Work Lessons From Up in the Air
This movie could be my life. Be careful what you wish for. While I love traveling and remaining loyal to an airline I was made redundant. That puts me in the George Clooney role and in the role of the ones he had to give the worst news to as well.
This movie was released soon after I lost a good job. I was still five years from purposeful work. You shouldn't tell the redundant that anyone who built an empire started where you are right now.
It makes sense in retrospect. While I have purposeful work now; when this film was released there was No End in Sight.
Find What You Enjoy Doing
My sister travels for work. We saw this film together. She can fly to Europe or Asia. To her, it's a pain. She is away from her children not to mention her husband and she does not like flying the way I do.
I enjoy the process. The strange feeling of waking up in one state and going to bed in another- never take that for granted. Ryan found what he likes and does not have commitments tying him down.
Play the Game
Stick with one airline and one hotel chain to maximize the benefits. He flies American Airlines and stays in Hilton properties. The product placement is not distracting.
Airlines Should Appreciate Your Loyalty
This film predates the "We have too many elites" era. First Class upgrades are like intercourse. I used to get it all the time. Now they are few and far between. I still receive upgrades to better seats.
Use Your Experience
Ryan teaches Natalie how to pack, why she should not check a bag and who to stand behind in the TSA line. Sometimes the TSA line is the most aggravating part of a flight. Don't say anything and endure the process.
Face to Face Meetings Are More Effective
The new idea of firing people over the internet might save the company money. It hindered Ryan's goal. I have met people who are United Global Services. They have flown four million miles. I might have flown eight percent of that.
Any success I have had in relationships comes from meeting others in person. No one sees my profile picture and has any desire to seek me out. The same guy in the picture can follow through in the flesh.
Ryan did not mind flying everywhere to do his job. He met Alex. It is so hard meeting anyone in a hotel bar. They had common interests- business travel and frequent guest programs. They had a nice relationship.
Others Are Not Going to Understand You
Ryan's family thought he was isolated. He took that call in an airport and said he was surrounded. Flying can be like The Love Boat. Not that I ever met anyone on a plane and asked for a phone number. That seems a little straightforward.
It can work if you live in the area and someone is visiting for business and doesn't know anyone. When Ryan and Alex were in the same city they got together. Little did he know, the Fifty Mile Rule was in effect.
Some Are Not Made To Commit
When Ryan decides the he is ready to commit, Alex cannot. This is something that made the James Bond movies up to Skyfall effective. You may get the girl. You can't keep her. You have good moments. You may not have the life others expect.
Don't Break Up By Text Message
Natalie is younger and has different expectations for relationships. It probably pains Ryan that he has to attend a wedding. I have known many who attended weddings and wanted to have their friends attend their wedding at some point. That is not my reality. Weddings are like jury duty to me- I am called every so often and it's not as bad as one would think.
Stand Your Ground
Ryan defends his process. He would rather fly to different cities and do corporate America's dirty work. It is better than unceremoniously doing the job from a call center. The work may not be ideal. The journey and process are interesting. It's even better when you have an expense account. I never had that and pay for everything myself. No wonder I never had desire to go into business for myself.