To work late, or not to work late - that is the question!
Kedar Diwakar Mandakhalikar, PhD
Medical Writer at Prestige BioPharma Ltd
Should I leave at 6 pm, or should I stay till 6 am? I often catch myself having a conversation in my head about working “after office hours”. What are office hours even, in this day and age, I wonder! At the end of these conversations though, I am somehow always more unsure of what is right and what is wrong (perhaps I am talking to the wrong guy :D).
Here is how I justify not working late to myself:
But then I refute myself using these reasons:
What I usually do is, when there are important deadlines, I do stay back and help out as much as possible. At not-so-critical times, I am available to work from home if absolutely necessary. But during calmer times, I make it a point to leave on time.
It is crucial to learn how to say ‘NO’ without being discourteous. It certainly helps to have an understanding team and a clear division of labour.
Work-life balance is subjective and each one should be able to decide for themselves. I don’t think there is a right or a wrong reason. It boils down to that one thing I always write about: Do what makes you happy!
I would love to know what you think. Do share your thoughts in the comments.
Disclaimer: This post assumes a reasonable boss, team or employer.
PS: This is not a post to convince anyone to work late or not. This is a conversation starter. Talk to yourself, your team, your family members. Gather perspectives. Do what works best for you. After all, balance has to be actively maintained, and can be easily disturbed if no effort is made.
Needless to say, all pictures are mine :D