Work and Growth Management for FOUNDERS, 


and their 


Work and Growth Management for FOUNDERS, ENTREPRENEURS and their WINNING TEAMS!

Webs Utility Global is a collaboration?

platform on which virtual and remote?

teams can connect, collaborate and?

work together without hassle.?

Team members can share their ideas,?

facilitate questions and answers.?

Get Organized?

Stay On Track?

Collaboration Among Members?

Meet Deadlines

We bring winning teams?

to life and believe in?

Leadership for all !!?

Impor ta n t Feat u res1 .Di rect Mes sage 2. C hannel s?

Communicate one-on one with your team?


3.31 1 Planning?

Increase focus and motivation with 311 plan. Plan your goal for the next 3 years, in the?

upcoming year and in the next quarter?

5.Mentor shi p?

Meet industry experts right here; where coaches and mentors can empower the workforce through their knowledge and expertise.?

Watch your team spirits grow with better?

communication on?

OpenGrowth Hub Channel.?

4.Lea d er shi p?

Learn the essential skills to develop and expand?

leadership. Collaborate with team virtually and excel as a team?

6. C ommuni t ies?

Create and browse?

communities to collaborate and share your ideas.?

7 .Pr ivate Q &A an d Forum?

Discuss on Forum or private?

Q&A module with your team?

mates or with people in your?



Keep track of your time. Track start and end time of tasks. Timesheet?

contains a detailed?

breakdown of the amount of time spent on a?

particular project.?

1 0 .Hu d d les?

Huddle is a module where team members share their daily task report and?

important updates. Huddle tracks whether team?

members have completed their target or not and who has achieved their goal.?


Create projects and assign it to responsible person to achieve a particular aim.?

9. R e p or t s?

The Daily Reporting makes working and reporting much easier and simpler. The users can fill daily, weekly and monthly reports and can send it on mail to their manager?

1 1 .Task?

Plan and structure work in a way that’s best for you. Set priorities and deadlines. Share details and assign tasks. All in one place.

13.Meet ings?

Maintain a one stop MOM space for all the meetings.?

The eas ies t way to manage team, p roject s an d tasks .?



