Work and Glory Assignment.
Michael Kusi
May 22, 2024
Archbishop Alexander
University of Christocracy
Question Presented:
Based on “Where would the money come from?”Whose plan should be bigger.Whose GLORY should be at stake or who ought to carry out the greater project of governance in proportion or establishment of preeminence of the kingdom of God. As a body of Christ what would we do in the light of this insight? Do we have the Capacity? Observe: ERGON -The meaning of work – Business or employment- To produce something useful.
What is work that we ought to be doing according to John 14:12-17??
Interpret the word WORK.
1) The definition of Glory according to the Bible dictionary.
The definition of Glory according to the American Heritage dictionary is high honor, accolades, and distinction that can be agreed upon by a body of people. [1]It is also something that gives accolades or high praise. Glory is great radiance and opulence. It is the pinnacle of great achievement and worthiness.[2] It is also a celebration of great victory. [3] The definition of glory according to the Holman Bible Dictionary is the utmost significance? and awesome authority that comes with the encounter of God.[4] Also the glory of God demands singular worship. The Eerdman Bible Dictionary defines glory as the components of a person or God that compel praise or worship.[5]
The Expository Dictionary of Bible Words states that the Hebrew word for glory is kabod, and it is found more than 200 times in the Old Testament.[6] It refers primarily to the glory of God, but also talks about the former glory of Solomon’s temple. It also talks about the glory of God pursuant to judgment. There is also the Hebrew word tiph’eret, which means awesome beauty.[7] The Hebrew word for glory which is hadar is glory which is given to human beings.[8] The Hebrew word sebi is glory which is given to nations, such as Israel and Babylon. The New Testament word for glory is doxa, and it reoccurs more than 170 times in the New Testament.[9] There is also a unique New Testament word for glory which is endoxos, and it refers to the glory of wealthy people and believers. [10]
The definition of work according to the American Heritage Dictionary is the toil and labor given towards an achievement of a given performance. [11] It is also a career and a calling that someone utilizes as a given profession.[12] It is also the portion of a given calendar period towards accomplishing a task. [13] Work is also defined as the product of someone who has operated to carry out an undertaking.[14] Work in the Holman Bible Dictionary is defined as the movement of God in a given region or theater. [15] The Eerdman Bible Dictionary defines work as the labor of God and man to uphold God’s commandments. It also states it is imperative for people to reflect and meditate upon the wonders of God. [16]
The Expository Bible Dictionary has a plethora of Hebrew and Greek words for work. The Bebrew word asah means to create using the skillset which God has endowed.[17] In reference to God, it speaks of God helping his people from dire straits. There is also the Hebrew word ma’aseh, which comes from asah, and it talks about professional components of labor.[18]The Hebrew word mela’kah means labor as a form of job or employment.[19] Abad denotes service and it means to work the ground as a laborer. Abodah means blue-collar labor, which is often prohibited on the Sabbath day.[20] The definition of pa’al is people who have wronged either God or man. Po’al is a participal noun which has as its root pa’al, and it means the deeds of man or God. Another participalform of pa’al is pe’ullah, and it speaks about the payment that is doled out as a result of work. This can be good payment in the form of wages or bad payment in the form of judgment. ?‘Amal means work that is basically useless. Miqshah refers to the work of precious metals that are utilized in the service of God. Yaga talks about never growing tired in the service of God. Yegia is a noun coming from the root yaga, and it means the toil of one’s efforts. Yabad speaks of the process of begetting and giving birth.
The New Testament word for labor is ergazomai which means blue-collar labor and the righteous work of the Cbristocrat. It also talks about the efforts of the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts. The Greek word katergazomai comes from the root ergazomai and it talks about the process to bring forth a given product.? Ergasia means someone’s form of employment. Ergates talks about workers, and these workers can be for good or bad purposes.
This was even true of Moses, who could only see the backside of God.
But God allows the Christocrat to partake of the glory of God through Jesus Christ.
With work should come compensation. There cannot be an expectation of work without an expectation of compensation. A troubling amount of churches desire for workers, but they do not want to compensate them or provide a means for them to be adequately paid. Therefore the? church vision is not fulfilled, because they do not have the business acumen to properly pay for workers.
Answer: The glory of God should be emanating from man, but inspired by God.
Oftentimes, it is work in the secular realm that dictates work in the spiritual realm.
People in the Bible had different work. Adam had work before he had a wife and before the Fall.
Adam was a king. God gave Adam dominion, to rule over the earth as God’s representative. This is the ideal situation for the earth, that Adam ruled and listened to God. But Satan tempted Adam, and the cord that tied God to Adam, that had God walking down to talk with Adam, was forever cut. We lost dominion and Satan gained dominion over the Earth.
Adam needed help to talk to when God was not there, help to exercise dominion, and help to speak to God on someone’s behalf. Just as God could not worship himself, Adam needed someone to talk to God about, to praise God for his goodness. The earth was made by Lord and man exercised dominion, but Eve was created as a larger purpose of mankind, that there might be completeness. Because Adam looked at the animals and they all had a companion, but he was alone. God worked on Adam when he was asleep. Sometimes God works on our wishes, problems, and prayers when we are not noticing so God would bring our solution to our attention. The word neged also means to bring face to face. Just as God brought the animals face to face to Adam to name and show his approval. God said that creation was good, but Adam put the names on creation. God also said it was not good for man to be alone, but Adam said that this was Bone of my Bone and flesh of my flesh. Adam stood on God’s word to speak the glory of God.
He took out? Adam’s side, as his role as the Great Physician. [21]First God was a psychiatrist who said that it was not good that Adam would be alone. Then God was a surgeon who made Adam a helpmeet from his own side, which he closed up and healed. Finally
God was the Judge in the Garden of Eden, who gave Adam and Eve marriage and
said that it was good. The same thing happened to Jesus in the cross. There was a penetration into Jesus side the same way there was a penetration into Adam’s side. Jesus walked in the
Garden of Gethsemane just as Adam walked in the Garden of Eden. But God said
that it is not good for Adam to be alone, but at the time of Jesus’ passion, he was
alone. But because Jesus brought us close to God, we have relationship forever.
God blessed man in verse 28. The equation for rulership is structural. Man is made in the image and likeness of God and responsibility is to rule over God’s creation. That is man’s assignment. The whole purpose of the triune majesty was that the Earth be governed and ruled by mankind. The Holy Spirit was the helper. God is speaking the Earth into existence. The Five Package or Equation for the Dominion of the Earth. The first is to be fruitful and multiply. 1) Be fruitful, 2) Multiply, 3) Replenish, 4) Subdue, 5) Have Dominion.? The Creation of Man was the final act of creating. This was to be the best of God and the glory of the triune Majesty. Even Lucifer was not greater.
We are called to do a greater work than what Jesus did. The Bible says in John 14:12 that Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Jesus did the supernatural work, but he is calling on us to continue, because there is a new people on Earth who need to be impacted by the work of God. Even though God started and completed the work, he is still calling on our contribution. Even in the beginning of time, God did not call on mankind to sit still. Adam was called to be a regent upon the Earth, with God’s blessing. Work was in the Garden before sin and even before marriage. Adam had to name all of the animals, because God gave him this responsibility. Adam had to tap into God’s will to figure out a name for each animal, and this is work. So because Jesus has done the work, does not mean that mankind has to be idle
The Garden of Eden was very glorious when God created it. The Bible says in Genesis 2:8 that God planted the Garden of Eden.[22] This planting means that God created the Garden with intention. [23] This planting of the Garden is also different from the way that God created the earth, in that God did not just speak the Garden into existence but formed and fashioned it as a unique creation. God said that he would make the wilderness of Zion like Eden, therefore Eden was the highest standard of excellence in creation by God.[24] Jesus could say to his disciples that he would prepare a place for them with confidence because he had already gone and prepared a place for Adam in the Garden of Eden.[25]
This is a mystery that is made known in the Word that mankind was created last but he was not created least. He was created to take dominion over all of creation that was made before him. God has intended for mankind to embrace the beauty and the joy of the Earth.? Mankind was created to worship God not as a supplement to angelic worship but as his own entity.
Under God, mankind is the greatest creation that God has made. David said that God has crowned mankind with glory and honor.? David as a king understood the power that God gave to mankind. God has endowed mankind to have power.? Mankind was intended to have the best that God could offer. God made mankind to be king and regent over the Earth. The intent of God was for mankind to have full power and dominion over the Earth. God did not mention the Devil in his admonition to Adam and Eve to subdue because it would have been understood that he was part of what was conquered by God for man.
The responsibilities of mankind, God gave to no other creation. All of the other creation could speak, but only mankind could have a personal relationship with God on the Earth.? In order for mankind to have his full potential, he had to serve God. Satan saw this relationship between mankind and God outside of the gates of Eden and hated it. He wanted to be ruler over the Earth and oppress man and eventually get to the point when he could subjugate and oppress God. Not even Gabriel or Michael, who are two archangels, are greater than man.
The Earth is very important to God and he entrusted Earth to his most important creation. The Garden of Eden was man’s White House, man’s Buckingham Palace, man’s Versailles. Mankind was intended to rule from there and govern from there. The Garden of Eden was not supposed to be a stationary place, but was supposed to spread all over the Earth. There was a creation of a Palace for Governance. The seat of the government was in the Garden of Eden. The Garden was a functional location for the dominion of the earth. ?
There was a mist from the Earth that watered the ground. God built it east of the Garden. God put man in the garden to operate and caused every tree and plant to grow, even the Tree of Life. There was a River that went to water the ground, and was divided into 4 rivers. The first river is Pishon, which is the land of gold. All that was to be desired was in the palace. Eden was a place of peace. It was a place of rulership. When places are built for presidents and kings, they do not compare to Eden. The Palace of the King of the Earth whose name is Adam. He wants us to get insight into what he thought of man. How God placed man in this capacity to rule.
Man today is very different from the Garden of Eden and Adam. It is a counterfeit design. The second river is Gihon, which ran through Cush and Africa. This was full of diamonds and wealth. The name of the third is Tigris which ran through the Euphrates. The content of the palace was indicative of God’s thought towards creation.????????? One of the rules was to eat all fruit except one. Everything that he had given to Adam in terms of discipline that behold a king. follow the rules of God is to enjoy the highest blessing that is available. It was not hidden but reserved for. God reserved it for his glory and infinite power. God said that you would not eat this particular fruit called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.?? The lie was that it was hidden.
The ultimate outcome is determined by the Triune Majesty. The structural process of Dominion cannot be ignored. The first structural requirement is fruitfulness, the second structural requirement is multiply. Mankind is living outside of our mandate if we live in poverty because we refuse to work and learn.
Replenish- There will be a need from time to time, this is in your nature as it is with Elohim. When there was an issue with the Earth, God solved it.
Subdue- It is your authority and position of power as that of the Triune God for you to bring every rebellion into subjection and dominion. You cannot allow any rebellion to stop you.
Have Dominion- It is your possession and it is your responsibility. God lay out the structural processes and this understanding is fundamental. God said everything for? a reason. Purpose Priority and Dominion, if you do not know your purpose, you will easily decamp. To know who you are is to have power over circumstances. The enemy challenges us that we don’t know or that he knows more than us.? The University of Christocracy is meant to equip people to teach.?
The Image of God was to represent everything that was of God and the glory of the Triune Majesty. There was nothing greater that God created than man, including Lucifer. Angels are powerful, but not more powerful than man.? Man stands next to God Almighty. Not Gabriel or Michael is greater than man. The Earth is very important to God.
The Garden of Eden was a palace of rulership. It was elevated and well-designed and would facilitate governance to rule. Think of the White House. The Garden of Eden was the White House of Adam and Eve. It was in Eden that Adam are instructed to reign and to rule the Earth. God created man and he did not have the help. Mankind is created and women is created.
?In chapter 3, the Bible says that God made this beautiful garden. After Adam named everything that God had brought to him in the animals. Adam is now placed in the Garden, the Palace of Eden, and God has placed mankind there.
God did not intend for us to go down for conquering the enemy without a serious engagement. God is there to help you fight, or disobedience against God. Disobedience is the lack of fight of the enemy. Let us look at Revelation. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The warfare or expedition for military takeover are not carnal but are awesome through God.
We don’t know how many years that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Man is now ruling the Earth. God built Adam a palace. Genesis 3:1 was Satan’s first impersonation (Disguised as a serpent). Result of the subtlety is that the woman was manipulated. The Sin of Treason was committed against the Throne and God had to respond.
Satan has come to start talking. The question was that did the animals normally talk in the garden. The animals used to talk in the garden, that was how Satan came to talk to Eve. Satan was taking the voice of the serpent. The manipulation of the woman by his line of questioning. The devil did not force man, because he did not have such power. This was the sin of treason and it was critical. Man was not created to serve as a servant, he was created to govern and to rule. Man cooperated with Satan. As a result of man’s disobedience ?there was an abdication of the throne. Adam voluntarily abdicated the throne. Adam’s decision was an act of treason. ?President Nixon had to abdicate the White House because he was deemed unfit to rule. King Edward had to abdicate his throne because of his transgressions, and Adam fell in the same way.
In Genesis 3, the serpent tempted Eve.. The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. Eve said that we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God said that we will not eat of it or touch it. Adam was filled with the Holy Spirit. The very triune God breathed into him. In their state of being children of God, they disobeyed their Creator. Adam was a trustee and he seemed to miss the point. That means that Adam was tapped into God, in that the names that God gave Adam was able to be duplicated on Earth.
Adam foolishly and mistakenly allowed himself to be caught. Obedience is not negotiable. The serpent said ?that you eat this particular food you will be like God. Your eyes will be open. This was the trick of the dastardly serpent. The day that you eat of this fruit your eyes will be open. No, because God made it clear to Adam that he was to have all authority.
God had given instruction to Adam and God took him by the hand and gave him instruction to cultivate and maintain. All kinds of trees would grow for the soil. It was good and also a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river flows and run through the Garden. Adam is in charge, but the devil wanted to usurp this authority.
You must not eat of the tree of knowledge. This is the only one? that God said not to eat. If you eat, you will surely die, or cease to be like God. Cease to occupy the fullness. Mankind would cease to have a relationship with God because then mankind would be full of sin. Take the word of God in verse no. 17 of chapter 2 and compare it with chapter 3 verse no. 3, concerning the fruit of the tree that is in the Garden. ??????????? Eve said that You must not eat of it and not touch. The major error in these two statement that could have been the root for
man to penetrate and man became defenseless. Mankind lost his glory, because he failed to
acknowledge why God said not to eat the fruit. God told mankind not to eat the fruit not because he
wanted to deprive man, but because he loved man. Real love must be a choice, and God gave
mankind the choice to either love him or disobey him out of infinite love.
It was a very secure place. Satan could not come in. There was an infiltration. The serpent was the most subtle. He got an arrangement with the Devil. The Devil did not have the right to be in the Garden of Eden. The Devil had to go through the serpent. We know the discussion. He stepped in and charmed the woman by lying? and manipulating the woman. Had God said you shall not eat of the tree of any garden. The woman replied that we may eat of the fruits of the trees of the garden, but one tree we may not eat of it and not touch it.? The woman said that we shall surely die. The serpent said that ye shall not surely die.
The Devil said that God deceived you. You shall be as gods knowing good and evil. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it looked good and that it was desirable for wisdom. Man has taken the fruit in chapter 3 and has eaten. If we don’t know what happened we will not be able to govern. The fruit is eaten and judgment came upon the Earth.
Mankind deceived himself. It is a popular saying as an excuse that the Devil made someone do it but the Devil cannot make anyone do anything. He can make sin seem enticing but he cannot make man to sin. The choice of sin is man’s decision. God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree because the day they would eat it they would die. And the day they ate of this Tree, they were judged for their sins and had a spiritual death. They were now set apart from God and in order to atone, there had to be a different relationship. Now God was not the one who stepped in the Garden in the cool of the day to talk to them, he was the God who had to be sacrificed to with a clean heart in order to communicate.
Mankind deceived himself into thinking that he could be someone apart from God. He deceived himself by believing the Devil’s lie that God was withholding the best from them. Adam and Eve believed the trap of the enemy, but they were given the Word of knowledge and should have been able to vanquish him. Adam and Eve were given the ability to subdue, and they should have banished the enemy so that he could not tempt them anymore. However, God in his infinite mercy did not destroy man, but gave him a chance to be redeemed through prophecy.
It was not just a case where Mankind was right, persuaded or stretched. The Devil in his temptation to Eve never mentioned that he was removed from the Garden of Eden for the same pride that he was urging Eve to possess. He never mentions the rebellion or the fall from heaven to Eve. Eve was mistaken in believing that the Devil came from a righteous place and had a valid opinion as to the righteousness of God.
?The Devil came and charmed the woman by lying to and manipulated the woman. It would not have been a stretch for the woman to take authority and vanquish the enemy, but the woman did not take hold of the Word. She misinterpreted the Word of God and therefore left the door open to temptation. God told her that the day she would eat she would die and he was telling the truth. The Devil told her that Eve would be a God and he was lying. She was already like God.
God came down in the cool of the day. The two had taken themselves into the trap of the enemy. They heard the voice of the God walking in the palace and God called out.
God called unto Adam. Adam said that he heard the voice of God and he was afraid and he hid. God asked who said that he was naked? Did he eat of the fruit. Adam blamed the wife. The wife blamed the serpent. The woman said that the serpent deceived me and she ate. The Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this, God will take care of the serpent. The secret to revelation is lining up with God’s original intent. Understanding what God has done and what God will do.
The throne would have the final say, because the throne would have to deal with the consequences of man’s rebellion. God must respond in righteousness. To explain this important fact that God had no choice but to judge and he judged. Summary Judgment from the throne. There are three levels of judgments. 1)The serpent’s judgment was immediate and final.? The serpent was cursed to be on its belly. It was instantaneous. The legs entered into its stomach and it became a snake.
Satan’s judgment that God gave to the enemy. He said to the woman, the seed of the woman shall crush the serpent’s head and you shall bruise its heel. The serpent’s head will be destroyed for eternity and mankind would be restored to his righteous position through Jesus Christ. Satan does not have a right unless you allow him and you should not allow him. There is redemption insight.
God understood well in advance because God operates by plan. The serpent had deceived man and man is under the spell of the devil and trapped by the enemy. The spell is a serious one. God does not cheapen and operate like man. God cursed the serpent and took away his legs. The other judgments are in the future but God said that he was cursed above all cattle. The three judgments are critical. There is no need to spend time on the subtle serpent. God was addressing the serpent just as he was collaborating with Satan.
?God always knew that Satan was floating everywhere. He took a third of the angelic hosts with him. God is never moved by this issue. That is what makes him God. You don’t have any other source of knowledge. All of our information end up in the Bible. All reference comes back to the Bible.? God is going to reset the earth. The Earth will not be destroyed. The woman is deceived, but God will put enmity between the woman and the devil, between their seeds, and the word bruise means to crush. The woman will crush his head and the serpent will crush her heel. This judgment is permanent. Satan that were fooling around then, there will be a total elimination of his power. The day Jesus died and was resurrected, the power of the enemy was crushed forever. We must never give credit to the enemy.
God said that he would greatly multiply thy sorrow and the desire shall be to the husband and he shall rule over her. This is judgment no#2. Judgment No#3- Adam was judged and cursed is the ground for thy sake. Thorns shall it bring, and the sweat of the face shall Adam eat bread, and he shall become dust. The only permanent judgment is that of the Devil. Man exited the palace by his action. The enemy is taking over by default. Adam is going to work by himself. They have handed over by virtue of knowledge and skill.
The plans will crawl until Jesus comes. The insight will come when Jesus is here. You must understand the purpose of God until Jesus comes. God has now made a sacrifice and man is covered in his exposure. Life under the dim light begins. The challenge was between God and Satan. The process will begin. Adam did not understand the full extent of his mess. He would grasp the fact that he is in trouble every single day. They did not know what it meant to have a baby or what it meant by toil. The ground would rebel and children would be borne under the attacks of the enemy. Those are characteristics of Satan. The Adamic dispensation would begin until Noah.
After man was expelled from the garden God secured the garden. It has to deal with eternity. The redeemed ones still die. God sent an angel with a flaming sword to keep people out of the Garden of Eden. A rebel could have snuck in and lived eternally. God did not deceive man. God locked up the Garden of Eden. Jesus said that it is in the Father’s hands. You will earn eternal life through Jesus Christ.
God knew that Satan would come with tricks, but God wanted to deal with man. Jesus knows everything but he does not rebel. God left man with wisdom and power. The Devil did not force Adam to eat the fruit. It is important for us to do out of the will of God. God is all-knowing and wanted man to rejoice and to do what he had to do. God knew but God had confidence in man. God is never overtaken by any situation. God believes in man. Once we close the recording will recalibrate itself.
Jubal was the first musician. He created the harp and the flute. However, people in general were not using these instruments to worship God, but to worship themselves. Instruments are important in the Bible because now mankind had a mechanism to praise that was external. Before, mankind could only praise God with vocals or with altars. But now, mankind had a perpetual means to praise and worship the Creator, if they chose. ?Tubal-Cain was the first engineer. He was a maker of all things bronze and iron. This is significant because now mankind could build structures that would be long lasting. Cain was the first to build a city, Enoch, but Tubal-Cain now could build items that could populate cities. ??Methuselah was the first historian.
An exposition of Methuselah the historian can be located in the writings of the first century Jewish historian, Josephus. He states that Methuselah was an ancient historian, and the first historian to exist. [26]He would have had access to Adam ?for about 200 years and put down ?the history of the world (as told by Adam) on stone obelisks. Adam would have had direct access to all that was going on in the world as a king. Since Adam was there from the beginning of Genesis and had ?access to primary source knowledge of a ?plethora of Creation. The other parts of Creation that he would not have known, such as most of Genesis 1, would have been given to him by God himself. Therefore it is likely that the story of creation and the first family was communicated from Adam, to Methuselah, to Noah to Moses. Therefore, an oral and written history of the world would have been directly given from Adam to Moses through Noah’s family. It is said in Hebrew scriptures that Shem was a king as well, and as king he would have had access to the creation story that arose from the beginning of time. [27]
?Since Methuselah lived 969 years, he is the connection between Adam and Noah. These stone obelisks were carted by Noah onto the ark, and after the Flood was over, Noah put the stone tablets in the desert. [28]
Later during the 40 years of the desert wanderings, Moses was instructed ?by God to recover these obelisks, where he was informed of the history of the world from the beginning. ?[29]Moses repeats this history in in the Genesis story. The obelisk was composed in Hebrew. This was the primary language of mankind until the dispersion of mankind during the Tower of Babel. Only a man like Moses who knew the Hebrew language and cared about the Hebrew culture could have read it and incorporated it into the Genesis scriptures. [30]
Noah was an architect and engineer who built the Ark. The ark would have take 120 years to build and would have been over 3,000,000 square feet of timber.[31] The people who would have helped to build the ark, later decided not to go on the Ark. Noah was also a zoologist who gathered the animals together, and a veterinarian who would have taken care of the animals while he was in the ark. He did so without compensation, but because of his passion for seeing humankind survive.? Unfortunately, Noah was also the first alcoholic who discovered drink and was passed out. [32]Ham discovered Noah and told his brothers, who covered him. Noah utters the first curse upon mankind given by man, which is that the descendants of Ham, who were the Canaanites, would serve the descendants of Shem and Japheth. [33]
Abraham was a priest, a soldier and a shepherd. ?He was a priest who was willing to sacrifice his son, but God intervened and gave him a lamb in a thicket.[34] Abraham was also a soldier and a general who helped to propagate the military history of the Jewish people. He went to war with the 5 kings who kidnapped his nephew Lot. [35]Despite being outnumbered, he managed to defeat the 5 kings and rescue his nephew. Being a soldier meant that he had to arm his men, organize them and prepare them for battle. It also means that he had to prepare them for any casualties that would happen.? Later on he meets Melchizedek who is the priest and king of Salem and he gave Melchizedek the first tithe.[36]
Abraham had copied down the ?laws ?and ordinances of Jehovah which he held in his heart. Genesis 26:5 says he kept, among other things, Jehovah's ordinances and? laws. The laws would have been passed down from Adam to Methuselah to Noah to Abraham. These laws would have been written down in stone to make them permanent. Therefore, these laws would have been able to be transported as Abraham was also nomadic. Abraham passed down these ordinances to Isaac, who gave these laws to Jacob and Joseph. [37]This is why Joseph was able to say that potential adultery would be against God’s law, because he was brought up in the statutes and laws of God under Jacob his father.[38] These laws, along with the laws that God revealed to Moses in the desert that were hidden by Noah, would have formed most of the Pentateuch.
Joseph was an economist and the Secretary of the Treasury for Egypt. He knew that the Egyptian economy was cyclical in nature. ?The Egyptian economy ?were an agrarian economy reliant on agriculture for economic success. A failure of crops would mean an economic depression and Joseph was determined to avert its bad effects.[39] Therefore he stepped up as Pharoah’s right-handed man to store grain, which was used as both food and money, in the cities as a form of urban banking.[40] ?Joseph was in Pharoah’s inner circle and Cabinet as the second most powerful person in Egypt. Therefore, when the depression happened and the crops were not yielding produce, he was able to open up the cities and provide grain as both food and currency to Egypt and the surrounding countries. This is similar to what happened during the Great Depression, where banks were closed for a week and then they were reformatted to make sure that a catastrophe like the Great Depression would never happen again.
Moses was working for the Egyptian pharaoh as a soldier. He was also a priest, prophet and king. He was also a judge, lawyer, and a historian. Moses was a soldier who led the Egyptians into battle against the people of Kush and defeated them. [41]Later, he was instrumental in leading the people of Israel against the Amalekites, Og, Sihon and the king of Arad, and produced victories for the Israelites in all of these battles. He led the Israelites to victory at the Battle of Rephidim, where God swore that he would wipe out the Amalekites. ?He also provided military armaments for the Israelites when he instructed them to strip the Egyptian war dead of their armor and munitions. These weapons miraculously lasted the people of Israel until they were able to make their own weapons.
Moses was a judge who was judging the people by himself until Jethro came and convinced Moses to institute a judicial system. This is similar to the drafting of the Constitution and the Article III provision of the Constitution which lays out the foundation for the judiciary in the United States. James Madison, who later became the 4th president of the United States, played a key role in the drafting of the United States Constitution. [42]Lawyers also played a key role in the re-drafting of the Japanese Constitution under the military rule of General Macarthur. [43]There was also drafting of the 1st Kenyan Constitution under Thurgood Marshall. [44]Moses placed judges over 10s, 100s, and 1000s, which is similar to America’s judicial system of state courts, federal courts, county courts.? city courts, and town and village courts. Moses was also a lawyer who helped to write the 613 laws of the Mizpah and propagate them into existence. And he was a historian who was able to compile resources from Adam, Noah, Methuselah and Abraham into the Pentateuch.
Moses was also a priest. He provided manna and quail which came from heaven. He also provided water being provided from a rock. However, when he struck the rock instead of speaking to the rock God stated that he was no longer worthy to enter into the Promised Land. Moses facilitated the building of the tabernacle, which was a structure that housed the Ark of the Covenant and was used to serve God. In order to facilitate the building of the tabernacle and the instruments that it needed he enlisted the help of Bezalel and Oholiab, who ?were construction workers and engineers.
David worked as a shepherd and as a soldier before becoming king. David was a shephered who was out tending the sheep when God called him to be king.[45] He was also an armor-bearer of king Saul who was a foot soldier in Israel’s army. Later he would fight in the war between the Philistines and the Israelite and kill the Philistine’s champion, who was Goliath.
Jonathan, who was a prince and a soldier, gave David his armament. He gave him armor, a helmet, a sword, and a bow.[46] This would have been hard on Jonathan, because the Bible says that at a certain point only Saul and Jonathan were able to have weapons like this. [47]
With this weaponry David was able to fight the Philistines and the Amalekites and emerge victorious. David defeated the Amalekites at the Battle of Ziklag and recovered all that he had lost.[48]David also defeated the Philistines at the Battle of Baal-Perazim. [49] David also prevailed in Israel’s civil war, and defeated both the Ammonites and Moabites. He recovered a crown from the Ammonites and was crowned king of the Ammonites as well. [50]David had 2 crowns, the crown from Saul that was given by the Amalekites and the crown from the Ammonites. He was a king, and one of the best kings in world history. He was also a musician who composed 73 psalms in the Bible. [51]
Solomon was a king and a developer. He was also a poet and a musician. ?He composed 1000 psalms and 3000 sayings, so he was a very wise man. [52]He was a songwriter who wrote many songs. ?Solomon built the First Temple and much of the infrastructure of Israel. However his method of levying heavy taxes serves as a cautionary tale and led to a revolt when he died and Rehoboam took the throne.[53] Solomon warned about people who did not work, and he stated that it was imperative that people worked.
Jesus was a carpenter before he began his ministry. He was able to build things that would have helped people. Peter and John were fishermen and Matthew was a tax collector.[54]
They left all that they had to follow Jesus. Pilate was a politician and a governor. Even carnal people need jobs. The centurion of the Bible was a soldier and Paul was a tentmaker. [55]Paul utilized this profession in order to take care of himself when he traveled to Corinth for a missionary journey. [56]
The Christocratic ideal is to have work that will fuel your participation for the kingdom.
There is a plethora of work that must be done for the kingdom. Men and Women of God have had work that helped them in the theological field. John Calvin was a lawyer and theologian who had important ideas about Christian governance. [57]A vast preponderance of Christocratic theology about governance emanates from Calvin and his success with Geneva. Martin Luther was a former priest and theologian who helped to translate the Bible into the vernacular of the people. Martin Luther King Jr. was the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. He also studied Greek philosophy and Personalist theology.[58] Billy Graham was the president of a Bible College and an evangelist.[59]
I studied law, so I can help write minutes for New Covenant Leadership meetings. I can also serve as a legal advisor to help start-up companies that people are trying to have. ?I also studied history, so I can help draft a Church History book for the University of Christocracy. I can also compose papers for the University of Christocracy. And finally I studied theology, so I can be an Associate Dean for the University of Christocracy. My experiences have taught me that work comprises a skillset which can be utilized for God’s kingdom, and God calls people to work so that the kingdom of God can be fulfilled.
[1] American Heritage Dictionary, (Boston, Massachusetts, Houghlin Mifflin Company, 1992), 773.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, Tennessee, Holman Bible Publishers, 1999) 655.
[5] Eerdman Bible Dictionary, ( Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. B Eerdman Publishing Co. 2000), 507.
[6] Expository Bible Dictionary of Bible Words, ( Peabody, Massachusetts, Hendrikson Publishers, 2005), 435.
[7] Ibid at 436.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid at 437.
[10] Ibid.
[11] American Heritage Dictionary, (Boston, Massachusetts, Houghlin Mifflin Company, 1992), 2056.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, Tennessee, Holman Bible Publishers, 1999) 1684.
[16] Eerdman Bible Dictionary, ( Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. B Eerdman Publishing Co. 2000), 1387.
[17] Expository Bible Dictionary of Bible Words, ( Peabody, Massachusetts, Hendrikson Publishers, 2005) 1061.
[18] Ibid.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid.
[22] Genesis 2:8
[24] Isaiah 51:3.
[25] John 14:3
[30] Ibid.
[32] Genesis 9:20-21.
[33] Ibid.
[34] Genesis 22:13.
[35] Genesis 14:1-16.
[36] Genesis 14:17-24.
[38] Genesis 39:1-20.
[39] Genesis 41:1-25.
[40] Ibid.
[41] The New Complete Works of Josephus, trans. by William Whiston, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI (1999) pgs 99-100.
[42] Neuborne, Burt.?Madison’s Music?: On Reading the First Amendment. The New Press, 2015.
[44] Mary L. Dudziak, Working Toward Democracy: Thurgood Marshall and the Constitution of Kenya, 56?Duke?Law?Journal?721-780 (2006)Available at:
[45] 1 Samuel 17:34.
[46] 1 Samuel 18:4.
[47] 1 Samuel 13:22.
[48] 1 Samuel 30.
[49] 1 Chronicles 14:8-12.
[50] 2 Samuel 12:30.
[52] 1 Kings 4:32.
[53] 1 Kings 12.
[54] Matthew?9:9, Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27
[55] Hock, Ronald F. “Paul’s Tentmaking and the Problem of His Social Class.”?Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 97, no. 4, 1978, pp. 555–64.?JSTOR, Accessed 10 June 2024.
[56] Acts 18:1-4.
[57] Published in David Hall, ed., Tributes to John Calvin: A Celebration of his Quincentennary (Louisville, KY: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 2010), 34-58.
[58] Lischer, Richard.?The Preacher King?: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Word That Moved America. Oxford University Press, 1997.