Work is a Gift to Receive and Give
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
Is that true??Or let me ask you to consider a more pervasive question: do you want that to be true??
Do you want such a significant portion of your life – work – to be something you dread??
I don’t.?
While I would never claim to be an authoritative expert on this subject, I continually wrestle through the complexity of work, life, faith, family, health, leisure, and more.
I’d love to invite you to process this with me if you're willing.?
You are Worth More than Your Achievements
Many have grown up being told and believing they can do anything they want if they put their mind to it.?
And while there is some truth and beauty to that statement, if you’re not careful, it can become an impossible weight to carry.
What happens if you fail??Or just plod along the path to (gasp!) “average”?
It can be tempting to place an inordinate value on our achievements.?Our self-concept will rise and fall with our success and failure when we do this.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to succeed.?But living for achievement can be a death sentence.?
Your work is only one component of the beautiful complexity that makes up who you are.?
Is “Work” a Dirty Word”
The pendulum can swing way to the other side as well.?Some people view work as nothing more than a necessary evil.?A four-letter cuss word.?
After all, isn’t everybody just working for the weekend??
There certainly are legit reasons a person might not like their job.?Toxic workplace cultures, unfair compensation, not utilizing your skills or passions.?
Unsurprisingly, the classic TV show “The Office” resonates with people over ten years after its final episode aired.?
Does it follow that “work” must be miserable for everyone????
That hasn’t been my experience.?And it’s certainly not what I want for my son. Or my team at JS Interactive.?Or you.?
More importantly, I am convinced we weren’t designed to dread our jobs – or - find ultimate value in them.?
There is a better way.?
Work as a Gift From God
One commonly overlooked yet crucial component in the Bible’s story of creation is work.?The Bible paints a picture of God working – and it’s good.
God – and all of creation – rejoice in His work.?From my perspective, work, then, cannot be bad.?
It also can’t be an identity, either.?God rests from His work on the 7th day.?Of course, there are massive implications to this that we can’t get into.?But it’s clear that work is good – and it’s not God.?
That is, it’s not our ultimate source of life or the foundation for our self-concept.?There’s a tension for us to live in.
Work is a good gift.?God created humanity in His image – to create.?To cultivate.?To innovate.?To care for creation, bring beauty into the world, and receive bounty from it.?
Working to Enjoy Life
I have found that when, in my healthier seasons, I can let “work” be everything it should be – but not expect it to be more than it can be – I’m able to enjoy life more fully.
You have gifts to offer that this world needs to receive.?There are problems you were designed to solve.?You matter. People are aching for the beauty only your hands can create.?
Don’t hold back.?We need people who can?lead organizations courageously, teach children compassionately, write code with integrity, mop floors joyfully – and enjoy it all thoroughly.?
The multifaceted diversity of how people are wired is beautiful.?Some are administrative, others creative.?One person is intellectually astute, another emotionally intuitive.?All of it is valuable.?
You can play your part – and let other people do the same.?
When it’s time to rest, you’re free.?When others succeed, you can cheer them on.?And when it’s time to get to work, you can roll up your sleeves and get to it.
Benefits Beyond Platform, Position, or Pennies
Nothing that’s ever worth it is easy.?It takes work.?
Getting up and going to work, day in and day out, regardless of how you feel, produces character traits that have cascading benefits.
Being a person who is dependable and reliable at work can permeate the other areas of your life – and saturate the world with goodness.
Knowing who you are and how you’re wired allows you to contribute to the flourishing of others – while not relying on your work to carry the weight of your identity.?
That’s a gift money can’t buy! When you live in this sweet spot, you can work on enjoying life.
Student at Madison Area Technical College
1 年So your statements "There are problems you were designed to solve." and "Being a person who is dependable and reliable at work can permeate the other areas of your life ?– and saturate the world with goodness." These alone are great statements, you and I have talked a bit over the years, and we might have different paths in life, and choices that we have chosen. Sadly we weren't built the same, and we really didn't have the same roads precented throughout our lives. Yet we both are very positive. I am selective with how I express my opinions of the faiths that others have because they often push, their believes so much upon me and others. I don't seek an argument, the negativity is not my desired destination. I don't believe, in the teachings of the catholic bible. I get that that helped you get to the path of positivity, and I respect that is your belief, I will not explain what and why I believe what I believe unless you need to know. Please understand, I won't be pushed back to the catholic bible. That being said, all the other statements, of positivity we good. Work has always be a fun job till it's not. Great thing about owning my own path, is I control it. I learned a long time ago if you dislike a situation figure
Dreamers & Makers are my Favorite People | Sales & Marketing Leader | Husband | Father | Student | Coach | Kind Leadership as a Service
1 年Love this Justin!! We're all given gifts. It's on us to find the ways to exercise those gifts either through our profession or through our hobbies. Now whether our profession is our primary outlet for our gifts is less important than it is to simply take the moment to view and take pride in our completed work, just as God did. (Genesis 1:31, 'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good')