Work-from-Home: Love it? or Leave It?

Work-from-Home: Love it? or Leave It?

We are all dealing with social distancing in our own way.'s pretty predictable if you know what predominant style each team member possesses.

I thought I'd throw in a little DISC humor today...Do any of these sound familiar?

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SOME BACKGROUND: DISC is a widely accepted model of communication and behavior first identified by American psychologist William Marston. Millions of people have taken it to better understand their (and their team's) behavioral tendencies and maximize their strengths, and build high-performing teams.

One of the cool things about DISC - and one of the fist things I teach clients about DISC - is that there is no right or wrong profile, none that is better or worse than another. All styles have strengths and soft spots. 

While most of us "click" easier with people of a similar style to us, it is important to note that it's beneficial to have a variety of styles playing for your team.

Imagine working from home with all "I's" on your team. ??("I really miss seeing my teammates. I feel so alone. I wonder what they'd think if I threw an online 5:00 wine social for our department, so we could all catch up?") You'd have a ton of good ideas, and some fun, too. But how much would really get done with no "D's" to push for results, no "C's" to deal with the specifics and quality assurance, and no "S's" to keep the train on the tracks and keep the peace?

Imagine working from home with no "I's" in your group! ??[the horror!] Aside from sheer boredom and monotony, where would the fresh ideas and "lift" in the day come from? Who would persuade everyone to get on board?

All styles play a critical role.

Imagine the famous movie Star Wars if all the characters were the same profile versus having a strong "D" (Darth Vador), a strong "I" (Han Solo), a strong "S" (Luke Skywalker), and a strong "C" (C3PO).

N:OW is a great time to capitalize on your team's (and your) strengths.

As the business landscape is moving and shifting rapidly due to the pandemic, use this time to assign roles based on each individual's strengths. When a person is in a role that plays to their natural strengths and tendencies, they will be their most authentic and relaxed, their stress and tension will be minimized, and they will maximize their potential and effectiveness.

How could you best allocate your most precious resource - people?

Today is the day to #GoForIt and Live Deliberately!

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P.S. - You probably don't ponder every day about how well you communicate. ?? But you may mull over why you, or certain team members, clash with particular people some times. Or get irritated by having to explain the same things to the same people over and over again. Or scratch your head at why a team member blew a gasket all of sudden when they rarely let anything bother them. Or be perplexed at why you can motivate some team members to peak performance but not others.

All of the above are predictable and avoidable.

Truth is…the way you are - no matter how you are - is great for connecting with some people and not for others. As a leader - you need to be able to connect with everyone. Not just those who are like you. You need to be more diverse than that, more adaptable, more agile. 

You’re so busy with meetings, email, phone calls and other interactions throughout your day. You need a quick way to be able to identify a person’s communication preferences and adapt on the spot. Without having to reference a field guide.

Communication isn’t hard; but it's different for different people. All you need is an easy-to-remember framework for spotting the "tells" that let you know what the person needs.

COMING SOON: Communication Agility Rx. 

Purge ineffective communication, spot the cues people are constantly showing you about how they like to communicate and think, instantly connect with prospects, remain in rapport with team members and clients, and get your team bringing their best selves to work so you get the RESULTS you want in your business and life.

For leaders and achievers who want maximum results from every interaction with clients, team members and others.


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