Work from home effectively - My tips!
'Work from home' as good as it sounds, can be awesome if we can manage our work and time productively. I have done work from home previously and love it as I can use my commuting time for work/family, and I don't get the commuting stress. In turn, I am more conscious of the work I am doing, as my work only makes me visible! When I work from and I have back to back meetings, its much easier said then done. But its the days when the calendar doesn't buzz me, make me more concerned, as the work is there but schedule is not.. so getting off track is easier. While I am still getting used to it, sharing some basic ideas that work for me, below:
- Get Ready as if you are going to Office: Get fully ready and presentable to avoid being a couch potato that day!
- Pick a definite start time: If you don't you might find yourself in bed again, or in front of TV. Having a proper time makes it more organized.
- Have a home work Office: It doesn't need to be a separate office room, but any corner, or any desk/table, that you use every time you WFH. Its in-line with the reason we are not supposed to watch TV in bed, simple, keep areas separate for different activities.
- Have your lunch packed: Don't need a lunch box ready, but at least the lunch. It helps ensure you are neither eating junk, nor are overdoing the lunch time. It also makes the lunch time more relaxing and rejuvenating, as needed!
- Stay connected to colleagues: I send chat messages to colleagues at some point of the day, ask how's their work going, it gives me the needed quick break and at the end I am more motivated to work. It makes me feel a part of the team!
- Take breaks: Take the coffee/tea/ snacks or a random break, as you would in the office and move out of your 'office space', away from the screen!
- Pick a definite ending time: Doesn't mean you need to shut your device at the dot time, but try finishing your work and be aware of the hours, After all work-life balance is also important.
The above are the basic tips I follow, do share your tips in the comments, so that I(& others) can also benefit from them.